Ethan Lazzerini


5 Crystals To STOP Overthinking & Calm Your Mind

5 Crystals To STOP Overthinking & Calm Your Mind

Try these crystals to help stop overthinking. Calm your mind and release mental looping thoughts or ruminating thoughts with these crystals combined with mindful wellness tips. The Problem With Overthinking Everything… Overthinking is something many people struggle with. The problem is that overthinking things can be a big distraction from…

Go HERMIT MODE With These 7 Crystals 🧙‍♂️ Stop Distractions (Monk Mode)

Go HERMIT MODE With These 7 Crystals 🧙‍♂️ Stop Distractions (Monk Mode)

Enhance hermit mode, also known as monk mode with crystals. These seven spiritual stones will help support you in limiting distractions, working on yourself and completing projects. Finally gain the clarity, focus and motivation you need