Ethan Lazzerini

Crystal Healing

BEST Crystals To Access The Akashic Records (Past life reading)

BEST Crystals To Access The Akashic Records (Past life reading)

Accessing the Akashic Records can be a transformative journey, and using the right crystals can strengthen your connection to this cosmic library of knowledge and your past lives… Discover the best crystals to read and access the Akashic Records in this post. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a curious…

7 Crystals To Connect With ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (Protect, Empower & Cleanse)

7 Crystals To Connect With ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (Protect, Empower & Cleanse)

Here are 7 empowering angelic crystals to connect with Archangel Michael. Work with Archangel Michael’s crystals, stones and gemstones to protect, empower and clear negative energy..