Moldavite Meaning Explained: What it is, what it’s not, its history, crystal healing benefits and side-effects. Discover what happens when you handle it, plus information I have never shared before…
8 Crystals For Spiritual Awakening, Growth & Activation
What are some of the best crystals for spiritual awakening? Which crystals can trigger spiritual activation and support your spiritual growth and development?
What Is The Lion’s Gate Portal? + Crystals & Lions Gate Crystal Grid (UPDATED)
What is the Lion’s Gate Portal and what does it mean for you? Learn about the astrological alignment and energy of this powerful time. What you need to be aware of and what you should do. Plus, how to harness the energy with crystals and my crystal grid!
Moldavite Alternatives & Crystal Substitutes Revealed
As the price of Moldavite continues to rise, what are the Moldavite alternatives? Here are 7 crystal substitutes that are much easier to find and won’t put you in dept…
Crystals For Starseeds – 7 Cosmic Crystals
Explore seven crystals for Starseeds. Learn which crystals support your mission, anchor your galactic presence and remember your origins…