Have you tried setting intentions with crystal grids? Learn how can you set intentions with crystals and WHY crystal grids are such a powerful way to amplify your intentions for manifesting and personal growth…
CRYSTAL GRIDS: Why ONE Crystal in The Middle?
Why is there one crystal in the middle of a crystal grid? Can you put two, three or more crystals in the centre and what will happen if you do? Learn why I don’t do this…
Can You UPDATE a Crystal Grid? ✨ (change, replace or swap crystals)
Can you update a crystal grid? What will happen if you change, replace or swap the crystals used in your crystal grid? Are you adding new crystals to your grid? What if you want to tweak and change the intent
Can You Make a Crystal Grid For Someone Else?
Is it okay to make a crystal grid for someone else? Do you need permission? What are the ethics of making a crystal grid for someone else? Are there rules about when this is okay or what not to do? Here’s my take…
Crystal Grids In Irregular Shaped Homes or Rooms (House not square) Missing corners?
SOLVED: Learn how to put crystal grids in irregular shaped homes. Gridding irregular houses, rooms or spaces can be tricky. Extra or missing corners? No problem! This guide shows you where to place the crystals every time…
How To DEACTIVATE A Crystal Grid: Step-By-Step Instructions
Deactivate a crystal Grid: Are you ready to take down your crystal grid? Finished achieving your goal or manifestation? Let me guide you through the process of disassembling and deactivating your crystal grid, step-by-step…
Do Framed Crystal Grids Work & How? Wall Hanging Crystal Grids
Do framed crystal grids still work? Will the frame or the glass block the energy? Are wall mounted and hanging crystal grids pointing in the wrong direction? Let’s explore!
Should Crystal Points Point In Or Out In Crystal Grids?
Should the crystal points point in or out in crystal grids? Should your crystals point in to attract and outwards to release? Let’s look at this in more detail…