Do framed crystal grids work and how? Will the frame or the glass block the energy? Are wall-mounted and hanging crystal grids pointing in the wrong direction? Let’s explore!
Do Framed Crystal Grids Still Work?
Since I wrote my book Crystal Grids Power back in 2017, I’ve been asked about this many times. I think it’s time to cover my thoughts on this topic here. Based on the questions and concerns I get from readers there are a few parts to this that I will cover here separately.

Will A Frame Block The Energy Of My Crystal Grid?
I can see why someone might think this. After all, a wooden frame does look a bit like a wall around a crystal grid. The energy of crystals, especially when combined in multiples and into geometric patterns is greatly amplified. The frame really isn’t going to stop its energy field or your intention from being released.
Won’t The Glass Of A Framed Crystal Grid Trap The Energy?
I’ve covered placing crystal grids under glass containers in detail before. My opinion is that glass is made from minerals and crystals from the earth. Glass allows spiritual energy (chi/prana) to easily pass through it as light does. So in my opinion and experience, there is no problem with any glass used on framed crystal grids.

Are Framed Crystal Grids Facing The Wrong Direction?
This is an interesting topic I haven’t heard anyone cover before. In most cases framed, hanging or wall-mounted crystal grids are vertical. This is different from most crystal grids that lay flat. The centre stone in your grid is like an antenna that beams your intention out into the universe. So what happens with these wall grids?
Remember that the Universe is not just above us, it’s in all directions. Our planet spins and cycles around the sun. Therefore your crystal grid will be beaming all over the place regardless of its location.

Will The Glue Used To Attach Crystals Weaken Or Harm Them?
There are different ways makers of vertical crystal grids attach their crystals but most seem to use glue. Many grid makers, crafters and artists use a glue gun with non-toxic glue. A bit of glue just isn’t going to harm or weaken the energy of a crystal. If you don’t like it you could look for grids that use wire instead but they are not very easy to find.
TRUTH BOMB: As a jewellery designer I can tell you that most set gemstone jewellery including rings, piercings, earings and pendants use some jewellers glue to help secure the stone.
Why Would You Use A Framed Crystal Grid?
I have one framed crystal grid that I bought on Etsy a few years ago (shown above). One of the benefits of these is that they save space plus they are easy to clean. However, although I find them beautiful, I much prefer to make my own crystal grids. With ready-made grids, you can’t change them or reuse the crystals. Framed crystal grids can get quite expensive too.
With a regular crystal grid, you can work to a set pattern or design your own. The crystals can be swapped, added to or reused in other grids at a later date. If you want to learn how to do this yourself, check out my beginner-friendly complete guide Crystal Grids Power.

Would you buy or do you have a framed crystal grid? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).
If you are looking for other information please use the search box or visit my FREE Resources page to see if it’s already been covered elsewhere.
With gratitude,
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Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – The text and photos should not be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini. You can share links to it but don’t copy!
I’m an artist and think it would be fun to make a framed one like that myself! I have cats and for this reason am never able to leave my grids out for a long time. The cats just love seeing crystals hit the floor!
It sounds like a fun project!
I really believe that doing the crystal grid yourself is key to manifestation, with your intention and energy going in to it. I love doing them, have been now for years since I read your. book on it. I love choosing different stones and grids and will usually wait until a new moon to set it up.
Same so I tend to agree with this, plus I like to feel their energy myself which I can’t do if I can’t touch them. I’ve actually never seen a framed one so this was an interesting topic.
Yes, gridding is a creative thing too
I have your book and love to make my own grids as they are personal to me. I would only consider buying a hanging grid if it were for the good of nature or the universe like a standard prayer.
Personally I wouldn’t have a framed grid — well, not for long anyway! I love touching and handling my crystals, and I find physical contact is a fantastic way to facilitate bonding with one. I’ve been known to get antsy if I get a new crystal but can’t touch it, so I’d probably end up tearing the frame apart lol!
Ethan this was a really good topic. I had never thought about a framed crystal grid before for one of the reasons you mentioned, it’s permanent. We may want to create a different grid and use the stones that are in one grid. It is good to know that if you have a grid you want to be permanent, say a home protection grid, you can create one and it will work.
I have two friends (husband and wife) who make their living making framed crystal grids. The grids themselves are awesome and I have a few in my house that I’ve purchased and been gifted. They use their creative process for their clients and whatever the client might need. Also, they divine their process.
Hi Ethan.
I wouldn’t buy a framed crystal grid for a simple reason the person that made it would have his or her energy on it, which I wouldn’t want.
But I would consider making my own, this way I can make my intention while I’m making it.
Thank you for all your posts
Thank you Ethan for this newsletter. It nicely covered my own concerns. I love making grids for myself and even more as gifts. Even if I lay it down flat I use glass picture frames. I draw the geometric shapes myself and place it as I would a picture, then attach the crystals on top of the glass with putty like clay I/o glue. They can be hung or laid flat, easy to take apart. The stones do not get moved around so it is easy to dust or placed outside in the full moon light.