Ethan Lazzerini

Moldavite Alternatives & Crystal Substitutes Revealed

Moldavite Alternatives & Crystal Substitutes Revealed

Moldavite Alternatives & Crystal Substitutes Revealed

As the price of Moldavite continues to rise, what are the Moldavite alternatives? Here are seven crystal substitutes that are much easier to find and won’t put you in dept…

What Makes Moldavite So Special?

Moldavite is a rare form of Tektite, a natural meteoric glass. It was formed by a meteor impact around 15 million years ago, possibly in what is now Germany. The tektites were deposited in the region of Bohemia, currently the Czech Republic.

What also makes them unique is their forest green colour and intricate ruffled surface. This was a one-off historic event and other tektites look different. Therefore there is only so much of this material on the planet.

Moldavite’s Energetic Properties

The energy of Moldavite is high vibration with some people finding it too much for them. Moldavite is a stone of transformation that can speed up your spiritual awakening and personal growth.

It is a deep cleanser that often flushes the chakras on the first contact. Moldavite can connect you with extraterrestrial energy and consciousness.

Many people feel that this stone helped them go through needed life transitions and big changes. Please note some people have bad reactions to Moldavite yet some people feel nothing at all. If possible you could try it in a shop before you buy it.

MOLDAVITE EXPLAINED: For more information about the history of Moldavite and a deeper look at its spiritual properties and the reported side effects, watch my YouTube video:

What’s Going On With Moldavite?

Moldavite has never been cheap because it’s eventually going to run out. This means the price keeps going up over time. The less they find, the rarer it becomes. The higher the demand, the higher the price people will pay for it. Moldavite has become popular within the crystal community over the last few decades.

More recently it has been brought to the attention of a wider and younger audience. From what I understand several videos about it on the social media platform Tiktok have gone viral. Some of what I hear is that there is a lot of hype and also some fear-mongering going on too. Please try not to get caught up in this!

Despite this, this all seems to have increased the demand and pushed the price to astronomical levels. People are now paying serious money for tiny pieces. On top of this, it has also increased the amount of fake Moldavite being sold.

“High vibration crystals such as Moldavite are not any better than other stones, they are just different. Nobody ‘needs’ to have Moldavite and there are alternatives”

Ethan Lazzerini
Seven Moldavite alternatives revealed
Seven Moldavite alternatives revealed

So, What Are the Moldavite Alternatives?

Many of you have emailed and messaged me telling me you can’t afford Moldavite and asking me if there are similar stones out there. Don’t worry if you can’t afford or justify the price or you are worried about buying fakes. There are Moldavite alternatives that can be used in a similar way. Just remember that substitutes share some of the properties of Moldavite, but are never the same.

Here are a few of my suggestions for you. Please read the descriptions to select the right alternative for your needs and energy.


Any Tektites could be used as Moldavite alternatives. These were created in the same way but from different meteorites in other parts of the world. The most common and affordable ones are the black ones.

Tektites have cosmic energy and connect with other star systems and dimensions. They help starseeds feel more connected to the planet and their purpose. They align and balance all the chakras. I’ll talk about more unusual Tektites later…

Large raw Tektite
Large raw Tektite


This green-ray stone is deeply transformative. Malachite helps you shed the old you and become who you are destined to be. This crystal detoxifies your energy and can speed up your spiritual growth.

Like Moldavite, it may trigger big changes in your life, if they are needed and you are ready for them.

Small Malachite tumble stone
Small Malachite tumble stone


Like Moldavite, this shimmering blue crystal holds a very high vibrational frequency. Blue Kyanite can help cleanse and align all your chakras. It helps connect with and express your inner truth.

This blue crystal releases negative attachments and cuts etheric cords. It also anchors the higher chakras, helping you embody your spiritual identity.

Blue kyanite blade
Blue Kyanite Blade


This is another form of Tektite, also knows as Libyan Gold Tektite. It’s not as common as the black ones but still more affordable than Moldavite. The origin is not certain but it’s believed to be a meteor(s) that impacted the Sahara desert millions of years ago.

This is another high vibe gemstone that cleanses the chakras and raises your vibration. Like all Tektites, it’s linked to extraterrestrial energy and attracts starseeds. Libyan Desert Glass is a powerful spiritual activation crystal that helps you release what’s holding you back.

Libyan Desert Glass aka Libyan Gold Tektite
Libyan Desert Glass aka Libyan Gold Tektite


This is also known as Satin Spar. All forms of Selenite are highly spiritual energy cleansers. This clear to white crystal is another high vibration, yet easily available and affordable Moldavite alternative.

It connects you with the higher dimensions and blasts through stubborn energetic blocks. Selenite connects you with the higher dimensions and helps you receive spiritual downloads. It’s also a beautiful crystal of peace and tranquillity.

Selenite/Satin Spar Sphere
Selenite/Satin Spar Sphere


Meteorites can vary in price but some are reasonable considering you have a shooting star in your hand. There are rare and expensive ones that have Olivine crystals inside them, these are crystals from other planets (unlike Tektites).

All metallic Meteorites help ground and anchor your spiritual energy. They connect you with cosmic and extraterrestrial energy and knowledge.

Pallasite Meteorite pendant
Pallasite Meteorite pendant


The last one of our Moldavite alternatives is Labradorite. This colour shifting crystal is another easily available stone of transformation. Labradorite helps you gradually transform into your authentic self.

It helps you move through life changes with more ease and navigate any unexpected changes that come your way. Labradorite cleanses and protects your aura. It opens your third eye chakra and your awareness of other dimensions.

Labradorite tumble stone
Labradorite tumble stone

Final Thought

This article is not telling you not to buy Moldavite. It was written as a response to those who have told me they can no longer afford Moldavite and want to know of alternative crystals they could work with that have similar energy or properties.

I really hope this shows you there are other alternatives to Moldavite out there. If you have a question or comment you can post it below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).

If you are looking for other information please search my website or visit the Resources page to see if it’s already been covered elsewhere.

With gratitude,


P.S. If you know anyone who may be interested in this article, please share it with one of the sharing buttons at the end or side of this post.

Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – Not to be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini.

Psychic protection crystals book 2

23 thoughts on “Moldavite Alternatives & Crystal Substitutes Revealed

  1. Deirdre Treanor

    My husband has a small piece of Moldavite. The first time I held it I felt dizzy and for lack of a better term spaced out. My head felt like it was floating. I didn’t hold it long, but that feeling lasted for a couple of hours afterwards.

  2. Joy Griffiths

    I’ve not been drawn to moldavite, but I was called to buy a piece of agni manitite recently. Do you have any thoughts about that?

    1. crystal

      first time i have heard of this also, thanks for bringing it up, i love the look of it with a light behind it – very interesting! what does it bring to you in physical or spiritual feelings?

      1. Joy Griffiths

        hi crystal, I’m not especially ‘sensitive’ to crystals as such – I just get a strong pull to buy/hold/wear one, or not, on a given day. Agni manitite is said to boost the solar plexus, which is an ongoing thing for me and I felt strongly at the time that I needed this one (there was a choice of sizes and I used my pendulum to pick the right one for me).

  3. invisible

    Basically telling people to “settle:” for something LESS than what the Precious energies of Moldavite offer is like telling people to buy a plastic crystal instead of A REAL crystal. Why do you think Moldavites ARE the way they are ? because they are NOT like any other crystal, stone or energy. If one is meant to have a Moldavite they will – and also spreading SCARCITY energies about this Precious Stone does NOT serve anyone either. Whatever crystals one needs for their path will come to them, even if they are “allegedly” rare……

    1. Cherry

      This is true to a point. However for people like me, it would take a virtual miracle for this to happen; Ethan is just trying to help by suggesting more affordable (in most cases) alternatives which can help to accomplish the same ends.

      That said, please don’t troll or spread negativity here. No-one wants it.

      Love and Light.

    2. Deirdre Treanor

      Moldavite is rare and there is not an endless supply. It is only found in one country in Europe. Once it is all mined it is gone. It is also technically a tektite, and there are other tektites that offer similar energies. In this case he was just being helpful in educating that there are other stones that are more affordable that have similar properties and vibrations. He never told anyone not to buy Moldavite, just presented information. As you said, “whatever crystal one needs for their path will come to them…”. You are right even if it is rare, if someone needs it and the are meant to have it, it will happen. He never told anyone they had to “settle”.

    3. crystal

      do you sell moldavite by any chance? you really sounded like you’re a hoarder waiting for the price to reach your dream price level so you can make a killing. equating some of these stones that ethan suggested to plastic for quartz is ludicrous, two of those i have not managed to collect in my many decades of collecting crystals even though i live in an area that fibrates with energy from all the crystals that go through our town mostly in winter but many are here in year round. yes i see those crystals & also shop online but i have limits to i will pay for everything & they exceed my limits for them. we cannot assume that someone cannot afford something & is settling for something if they are just refusing to pay exorbitant prices to make someone else happy. i have tons of stones, you wanna come here & pay me some pumped up price for a few of them? I will gladly take advantage of you to show you how it feels. so i say i cannot afford or truth be told i just cannot justify the price. by the way, i didn’t ask ethan about the moldavite ( i have a nice one) but i did ask him for the name of some substitutes for ajoite in quartz, which he gave me & i have most of them already or was it all – i honestly don’t remember but i really appreciated his effort to aide me. when i think about the ajoite i have probably held some in my hand – for cheap – but neither the vendor nor i knew what it was and that thought makes me see that i pry do not need the stone, you know if it felt like nothing to me why pay a high price. lol to tell you what this town is like a few years ago i picked up a lovely 8 inch lemurian seed quartz for $12, which was a high price for quartz here at the time but nothing compared to what it would sell for even then. hope you have a nice day.

  4. Cherry

    I’ve never been drawn to Moldavite, Tektite or any of the meteorite-created crystals. I’m wondering if that’s because they were still born on Earth (and the chances of the meteorite in question having come from my home in the stars are basically zero), whereas an actual meteorite is at least part of another celestial body.

    Personally I find Diamond, Zircon, Clear Quartz and Lapis Lazuli helpful for astral travel and extraterrestrial contact.

    Love and Light.

  5. Skye Coston

    Thanks for the article, especially since it has finally revealed to me what stone my mom had had in her collection decades ago. It turns out to be Libyan desert glass. Gives a nice buzz along with my precious moldavite piece!

  6. Tony

    This article has renewed my interest in moldavite.
    The only effect it has on me is that I find it “unique” type attraction. My question is will it uplift lower energy Crystals or it doesnt mix well with others. Thank You.

  7. Anshu Bhardwaj

    Dear Ethan
    Once again a great thought behind ur blog. To each his own..if owning moldavite is what u desire go ahead and buy. I had come across a small piece a few yrs ago was attracted to buy it because of all the benefits attributed to it..but seriously the price put me off . We just need to stop and appreciate what crystals we have and work with them.

  8. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

    Thanks for everyones responese and views on this. Just want to clarify if it is not clear. This article is not telling anyone not to buy Moldavite, its a response to all the people that keep telling me they cant afford Moldavite and want to know of any similar crystals they could use instead.

    1. Kathy Campbell

      Definitely clear about this! I have really appreciated your debunking of concern with how Moldavite is portrayed on TikTok. Enjoyed reading about how other crystals compare. The article has been a valuable bit of research to me. Another note, I gifted a selenite heart to my elderly mom who could really benefit by its properties – so much more than a protection and charging stone that I bought it for. Cheers!

  9. Abigail Ross

    Thank you so much for such an informative article on Moldavite stone!

    Moldavite stone is very powerful. I began my crystal “journey” around February. In my first week of wearing, I felt a burning sensation all over my body and got colds and felt ill. But after a few months of wearing it, I can’t trust the total transformation of my life; it’s actually quick.

  10. Selina Brazil

    In response to “invisible “, apparently this Crystal did NOTHING for your Spiritual awakening OR personal growth…so, SHUSH…might be why you’re handle is Invisible, lol. Your Negativity is in the Wrong forum. Go play somewhere else.
    Let’s start again. Ethan, keep educating EVERYONE with your Immense knowledge. You’ve NEVER told anyone what to do RE Crystals. It’s up to everyone to decide for ourselves. And in a safe Space, where WE know there’s no fearmongering. Unlke “Invisible”, who’s yet to come to the Light, lol Brightest Blessings to us ALL. Especially You

  11. Linda L Jahnes

    Thank you for this…it is exactly what I was looking for. I don’t have the confidence for spending a lot of money on what could end up being a fake. These alternatives work for me!

  12. Cherry

    I don’t know if anyone else here knows about it, but there’s another form of Labradorite which might be helpful for some people.

    I love Labradorite in general, so it tends to love me (law of reciprocity, although it’s not a wise choice for me in jewellery), but some folk can’t work with this gorgeous “Stone of the Auroras”. My husband is a perfect example: when he handles it, he feels like it’s trying to eat into his hand; naturally that scares him, so, since he’s only beginning his crystal journey, I don’t let him touch it.

    But not all Labradorite displays sheets of colour like the auroras. Some examples show sparks of light, rather than sheets. In geological circles, these are known as Micro-Labradorites; in metaphysical circles, they’re called Galaxyite (or Galaxite).

    I just struck ridiculously lucky: I bought a 7 × 5 cm Labradorite palmstone for £5! It was a strange event: I’d already bought tumbled Fluorite, Ametrine, Amphibole Phantom and Ocean Jasper from the same shop, and I was about ready to leave the premises, but a strange energy kept me pinned in place in front of the counter. I looked to my left at one of the display cabinets, and then my eyes simply wouldn’t leave one specific palmstone out of the Labradorite stock, which was at the front of a shelf inside at about chin level.

    I couldn’t see any lights in this stone, but what I did notice was that it had been very much marked down: from £13, to £9, to £5. I took it carefully out of the display cabinet and held it up to the shop window, but I still saw no colours. I cleared it with the owner, and took the palmstone briefly out into the sunlight… oh my goodness! It started to spark! It had obviously been slightly mislabelled; it was in fact a Galaxyite palmstone (and it’s triply important for being the only Galaxyite, and the only true palmstone, I have). Holding it, I got a sense of, ‘you’re here!’, and a huge burst of love. Needless to say, I couldn’t leave it there. When I handed over cash, the owner – a friend who’s accrued the same time on her crystal journey in this lifetime as I have – smiled widely and said to me “I’m so glad you’re giving this stone a home.” She seemed almost elated, and she quickly told me why: the palmstone had been sitting in that shop, waiting for its human, for 4½ years, and this despite being so deeply discounted! Obviously something special is going on there, and the more so because of the colours it shows: copper, white, and tiny sparks of pink and mauve. These, apparently, are the rarest colours to find in Labradorite!

    As far as energy is concerned, it seems a little different than its better-known cousin, and I read it as a little less mysterious – Labradorite to me feels very deep and mysterious – but no less magical. The origin of the name, Galaxyite, is fairly obvious: the lights in the stone look like a starfield, and where do stars mostly hang out? Galaxies, naturally. (Some rogue stars do exist outside of galaxies, but it isn’t commonplace; they usually have to be given a giant shove by a nearby Supernova to give them the speed needed to escape a galaxy’s gravity.) If regular, ‘northern/southern lights’ Labradorite doesn’t work for you, then Galaxyite just might. I only wish there was a way I could share the beauty of mine with you photographically; it’s quite a sight!

    Love and Light.

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