Are Green Aventurine and Quartz a bad combination? You may have heard these two crystals are not compatible, cancel each other out, clash or should not be paired together. Here’s what you NEED to know first…
Green Aventurine and Quartz Are Incompatible?
In the last few weeks, I’ve had several people ask me about this on my blog, socials and recent YouTube Q&A Video. They have heard that you should never combine Green Aventurine and Quartz crystals.
People are worried about wearing them, carrying them together or putting them into crystal grids. They believe that these crystals are incompatible and will clash or cancel each other out.
I have to be honest, I was surprised that these two would be flagged in this way, so I want to just clarify my perspective on this topic for the record. Plus, I want you to make an informed choice before following this rule.
Clear Quartz As An Amplifier
To understand what is going on we need to have an understanding of these crystals themselves. Clear Quartz is an amplifier of the energy of other crystals. In crystal healing, it’s commonly used to enhance the properties of other stones.
Could this be the problem? If you are working with a powerful crystal like Moldavite, combining it with Quartz will make it even stronger. So, I can see why you might want to use these types of crystals with caution.
But they are not incompatible. It depends on the experience of the person.
Clear Quartz brings focus and clarity and supports manifesting. This crystal can also channel spiritual energy but it depends on your intention and how you work with it. It’s not energising in the same way as Garnet for example.
Clear Quartz is the most versatile crystal and can be programmed and used for any intention. Let’s not forget that Quartz is the most abundant mineral on the planet and most of the crystals you know contain it.
This leads us to Green Aventurine and something I don’t think some people know about it…
Did You Know This About Green Aventurine?
Green Aventurine (AKA Adventurine) is a popular stone for abundance, good luck and keeping calm. It’s gentle and soothing so an enhancing crystal like Clear Quartz isn’t going to pose a problem in my opinion. Here’s the funny thing and why I had to say something on this topic.
Green Aventurine is a Quartz based mineral. It’s a form of Quartz with inclusions of Mica that cause the glistening effect seen in some stones. The beautiful green colour comes from Fuchsite inclusions. See the link above for more info and the source.
So, Here’s The Problem With This…
As you might have guessed this belief that Green Aventurine and Quartz are not compatible crystals makes no sense to me. They are mostly made of the same thing, Quartz.
Crystals and gemstones from the same mineral group/family are VERY compatible in my book. This is a good sign if you find conflicting properties online as it’s a fact, not an opinion.
Are Green Aventurine and Quartz Compatible?
Everything about these two crystals works well in my opinion and experience with them. I’ve seen various things online. I disagree that they have conflicting properties.
I completely understand that some people don’t agree with me or have other opinions on this. People see crystals differently in regards to their properties and that’s 100% okay with me.
But the mineral profile of these quartz-based stones is a huge red flag for me (minerals of the same group can’t be incompatible) and I can’t ignore this. So, I will continue to use and work with them together in my work and books. And I hope you do too!
SIDENOTE: If you find this or any combination of crystals does not work for you then don’t use it. However, it’s more likely that the the pairing is incompatible with YOUR energy, rather that with the crystals though.
More Crystal Questions Answered:
You can check out more burning questions people have about crystals and crystal healing in my YouTube Q&A video:
Have you heard that these crystals should not be used together and where did you hear this? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).
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With gratitude,
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Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – The text and photos should not be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini. You can share links to it but don’t copy it! Thank you.
Hi Ethan, I totally agree with you about this, it is more about the crystal NOT working with the individuals energy and aura rather than anything to do with the crystals. I find that working with crystals to “clear” a block within the aura, meridian, energies etc, can be traumatic as it can open up feelings within us that we need to deal with. I recall working with my Lemurian Crystal and Selenite as a combo when I needed to open my heart charkra, honestly at times I thought I was having a heart attack, the pain that the unblocking caused was intense indeed! Now, some people can understand and work with that, knowing that it is for the highest good and some people will find it all a bit too much and stop the work until they feel more able to cope and whatever their decision, that is fine, we should always work with our instinct with crystals. As I have said many times, I can’t stand Obsidian and won’t work with it and this may be the case with others when pairing Green Aventurine and Quartz. In the crystal world it is most definitely each to their own, I just get a tad peeved when “people” make it a “rule”. Lots of love and light to you 🙂
Yes, I agree lots of these difficult clearings and healings can cause people to freak out. Even Rose Quartz can do this with some people. The heart chakra holds a lot of stuff.
Totally agree with you Sam; not on the Obsidian – I love that stuff – but on people being prescriptive.
Let’s take Obsidian as an example. I know Sam would never suggest to me that I should forego the stone; likewise I wouldn’t insist that Sam should work with it. This would be equally true if neither of us knew how compatible Obsidian is with the other. Yes, there are crystals which are acknowledged to be helpful for specific needs, but even the “Master Healers” still won’t work for absolutely everyone, let alone everything. How many times have we read, on this very blog, statements like “Rose Quartz makes me irritable,” or “Clear Quartz feels terrible to me,” or even my own “Turquoise brings me bad luck.” ( I do have one raw piece which seems safe, but once bitten…) The evidence is there for all to see: everyone experiences crystals differently, and unlike pharmaceutical medication (though the same thing happens to a degree even with that) an individual’s reaction to any given kind of crystal can’t usually be predicted… and that’s without factoring in the possibility that two different crystals of the same kind can have diametrically opposed responses to one person!
However, the above might be enough to dissuade a crystal neophyte from continuing down the path; I’ll just say that it’s a journey, which should be appreciated as such, not just for the eventual destination. If you are that person, don’t be discouraged: ‘your’ crystals will find their way to you.
Love and Light.
You’re right, it depends on each situation and person and I think also that in certain circumstances and moments. For example, working with chakras some times we are more sensitive , perceptive, etc and we choose a crystal and the next time working the same issue we choose another. But what we have to work, we have to do it and it will come out to light for us to release and not always is pleasant, but it is not the crystal’s fault! I think that precisely that is one of the most wonderful things about crystals, we have thousands of options for each situation and person
Ethan, as I read this I realized why you’re my first go-to when reading about crystals. It’s your kind, open-minded and caring take on sharing your opinions about crystals with the world. You offer this to us with no expectation of anyone bowing down to your brilliance or “power”, but rather as a gift to be received as we need it. You are indeed a rare gem in this beautiful world of crystals. Thank you for being you and for fully engaging with the world.
Ethan, I totally agree with you. I’m a big Aventurine fan, and I combine it with Clear Quartz to enhance its calming energy!
I had never listened before about these two crystal “incompatibility” and of course I agree with you, they are not only compatible but also great together for me, I work very often withthem together for abundance for an instance and even I client asked for a bracelet with crystals for Archangel Gabriel and Rafael and I made it with these two crystals and I did it so precisely because I find them very compatible and besides, the bracelet looks beautiful by the way . Thanks for sharing you experiences and. Knowledge dear Ethan, regards and blessings from Mexico City
Lovely bracelet idea