Ethan Lazzerini

high vibration

7 Crystals To Connect With The ASCENDED MASTERS 🛕 Saint Germain, El Morya, Lady Nada…

7 Crystals To Connect With The ASCENDED MASTERS 🛕 Saint Germain, El Morya, Lady Nada…

Discover seven spiritual crystals to connect with the Ascended Masters. Unlock divine wisdom with Saint Germain, El Morya, Lady Nada, Merlin, Mary Magdalene, Master Afra and Paul The Venetian…

Crystals: Does SIZE Matter for Crystal Healing? (are big crystals better?)

Crystals: Does SIZE Matter for Crystal Healing? (are big crystals better?)

With crystals does size matter for Crystal Healing? Will a big crystal work better than a small one? Which is more powerful? Find out what you should know… I get asked this question quite a lot. People want to know with crystals does size matter? We have all been tempted…