Here are 7 empowering angelic crystals to connect with Archangel Michael. Work with Archangel Michael’s crystals, stones and gemstones to protect, empower and clear negative energy..
7 Crystals To Connect With Angels & The Angelic Realms
Discover seven crystals to connect with angels, your guardian angel and the angelic realm. Communicate with your angels and channel their healing energy and guidance.
Must-Have Crystals For Your Altar & Sacred Space
What are some of the best crystals for your altar? What will they do and how should you choose crystals for an altar? These are my top tips and crystal recommendations for your home altar or any sacred space…
Archangel Crystals & Angel Healing Stones Revealed
Archangel crystals for Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Ariel and Archangel Raziel. Seven angels, their powers and healing stones revealed…
Metatrons Cube Crystal Grid Template
Are you looking for a Metatrons Cube crystal grid template? What is the meaning of this symbol in sacred geometry? Learn how to use it in your crystal grids. Download a FREE printable Metatrons Cube Crystal Grid Template and start creating your crystal grids today! After the Flower Of Life,…