Ethan Lazzerini

Must-Have Crystals For Your Altar & Sacred Space

Must-Have Crystals For Your Altar & Sacred Space

Must-Have Crystals For Your Altar & Sacred Space

What are some of the best crystals for your altar? What will they do and how should you choose crystals for an altar? These are my top tips and crystal recommendations for your home altar or any sacred space…

An altar is a designated space for spiritual practice or connection with the divine. Some are religious, while others are not. There are many traditions around home altars so this information here is general.

If you have strict rules around what is placed on your altar, then speak to someone within your spiritual or religious community who can advise you. Hopefully, it is helpful to you.

Altar with different colour crystals and brass goddess statue
Crystals can be a beautiful addition to any altar

Why Have Crystals On Your Altar?

I’ve been working with a spiritual altar for around 10 years now and crystals have been a part of them since the beginning. Crystals, minerals and gemstones can represent many things to us. Here are a few ways they can enhance the energy and compliment your home altar:

1. Crystals remind us of the beauty of nature

2. Crystals connect us with the Earth

3. Crystals can amplify energy and our intentions

4. Crystals can anchor spiritual energy

5. Crystals can protect your altar

6. Crystals can help keep your altar cleansed

7. Crystals can raise the vibration of your altar

Wooden altar with crystal points, books and flowers
Altars can be symbolic if you don’t work with a diety, spiritual being or a teacher

My Top Crystals For Your Altar

Choosing crystals for your altar is personal and will depend on your needs. You can select a crystal based on its properties and a specific intention of course. However, there are some crystals that I feel are particularly helpful for almost any altar space. This is what I am sharing with you here.

I also include some crystal carvings that could be incorporated into your altar. Please read through my reasons and see if any of them may benefit you. This article is for inspiration and ideas.

Brass Buddha with crystal points in a bowl surrounded by lots of crystals, geode and rose quartz lotus flower
Discover crystals for your altar space


Amethyst is a high vibration spiritual crystal with many meanings and uses. It helps anchor spiritual energy and connects you with the divine. Amethyst opens you up psychically, strengthening your psychic abilities and intuition. This violet crystal is also protective and transmutes negative or harmful energies.

Polished Smojy Amethyst Crystal Point from Bolivia
Polished Smoky Amethyst Crystal Point From Bolivia


If you are only going to have one crystal on your altar, I would recommend Clear Quartz. Quartz and Quartz based minerals are some of the most abundant on our planet. Clear Quartz holds and amplifies your intentions. It also brings you clarity and helps you focus better, especially in meditation.

Polished Clear Quartz Crystal Point
Polished Clear Quartz Crystal Point


A good-sized piece of Black Tourmaline is a helpful crystal to have in your sacred space. Black Tourmaline is deeply grounding, connecting you to the Earth and deep earth energy. This is also a good crystal choice for protection from bad vibes and other unwanted energies. Having some form of protection while doing spiritual work is always a good thing.

Raw Black Tourmaline Crystal Point
Raw Black Tourmaline Crystal Point


Selenite, also known as Satin Spar is a high vibration crystal. It connects you with spiritual light and the energy and cycles of the moon. Add some Selenite to your altar to help maintain a peaceful vibration and keep it cleansed of negativity. Selenite is also an angelic crystal, ideal for those that work with angels and the angelic realm.

Selenite (Satin Spar) Sphere
Selenite (Satin Spar) Sphere


The other crystal you may want to consider placing on your altar is Citrine. Citrine could be welcome support if you are trying to manifest things in your life. This golden crystal is one of the most popular crystals for attracting abundance and prosperity. Citrine assists those who are trying to become successful. It makes a nice offering to a wealth deity or Buddha.

Congo Citrine Crystal Point
Congo Citrine Crystal Point (with rainbow)


Apophyllite is a high vibe crystal that supports your spiritual growth and connection. This gleaming crystal helps you to enter a deep state of meditation and raises your vibration. Apophyllite is a cleansing crystal, helping keep your sacred space purified. It also aligns you with the wisdom of your higher self.

Apophyllite crystal Cluster
Apophyllite Crystal Cluster


You can find different crystals carved into various sized angels. These are ideal if you work with angels, or would like to. Crystal angels bring in the healing and comforting power of angels. Some crystals are associated with different archangels so you could represent a particular angel that way. See my guide to Archangel Crystals for some suggestions.

Crystal angel altar with onyx angel, brass candle holders and different crystals
Crystal Angel Alar


You might be able to find a goddess or god you work with carved from a crystal. There are also more symbolic goddess carvings which could represent the divine feminine or a goddess you work with. These carvings can be a way to connect with a god or goddess. Please see my guide to crystal suggestions for goddesses or gods if needed.

Lapis Lazuli Goddess carving
Lapis Lazuli Symbolic Goddess carving


Many people work with crystal skulls in crystal healing. The human-looking crystal skulls can symbolise personal transformation and the death of the old self. Crystal skulls can connect you with your spiritual guides, spiritual beings or your ancestors. See my guide to the different types of crystal skulls or my guide to crystals to connect with your ancestors for more info.

Crystal Skulls carved from British stones
Crystal Skulls carved from British stones


Another type of crystal carving that is relatively easy to find is a Buddha or Quan Yin. These Buddhist masters and teachers have many meanings for people around the world. Some see them as symbols of enlightenment, compassion and inner peace. They bring a sense of calm and a good reminder of the power of meditation.

Green Soapstone Buddha Carving
Green Soapstone Buddha Carving


Another way to enhance your altar is with a crystal grid. Crystal grids serve many purposes but the addition of crystals plus sacred geometry is powerful. You could incorporate a special crystal grid to work with the lunar cycles, cleanse, protect or manifest for example. For a complete guide to crystal grids please see my book Crystal Grids Power.

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Crystal Grid on an altar with candle, ankh, angel oracle card, crystal pyramids, lavender flowers in a vase
Crystal Grids can be powerful focal points for energy

What crystals do you have on your altar or sacred space? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).

If you are looking for other information please use the search box or visit my FREE Resources page to see if it’s already been covered elsewhere.

With gratitude,


P.S. If you know anyone who may be interested in this article, please share it with one of the sharing buttons at the end or side of this post.

Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – The text and photos should not be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini. You can share links to it but don’t copy!

Psychic protection crystals book 2

12 thoughts on “Must-Have Crystals For Your Altar & Sacred Space

  1. Denise Richardson

    Hi Ethan. Thanks so much for the clarity of crystal altars…most of the Crystal’s I own already…

    But! Crystal skulls freak me out and I’ve no idea why. I cant even handle one or look at them on displays.

    Any ideas as to why my reactions are like this?

    Blessings x

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      They may not be for everyone. I feel the fear around skulls is from modern day programming and media. The ancients saw them as symbols of transformation, change and our ancestors.

  2. Yvonne

    Hello Ethan I love your website. On my alter I like to add things from the earth also
    , like a small bowl of water and fresh flowers.

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      Lots of people have altars in their bedrooms especially if they are short on space. If you’re concerned, just have a few things on it. It’s crystals, close to the bed that are sometimes a problem.

      1. Steffy

        This is so true! I’ had to remove some that had too much energy to be on my bedside table and prior to doing so I was wondering why my sleep and dreams were so disrupted. Problem solved 🙂

  3. Jacqueline Myers

    I found this post very helpful indeed. I recently set up an altar without doing any research just using crystals I was drawn to. I have selenite and pink Tourmaline, quartz and aphophilte on my altar. Am going to add an amethyst and citrine. Thanks Ethan

  4. Rob Hudson

    Morning Ethan,
    Thank you for another great article.
    Can any of the crystals be used to represent the elements (Earth, Air, Fire,Water)?
    Or, as they came from within the earth, are they all associated with the earth element?
    Kind regards as always,

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      Yes of course. All crystals could be seen to fall under the earth element in general. But within crystal healing, each stone has its own elemental associations like with herbs etc.

  5. Cherry

    What about a Celestite crystal or cluster? I haven’t space for an altar, nor any real need for one; but when I think about the subject, Celestite is one of the first crystals that comes to mind — along with Clear Quartz and Amethyst.

    Love and Light.

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