Are you looking for a Metatrons Cube crystal grid template? What is the meaning of this symbol in sacred geometry? Learn how to use it in your crystal grids. Download a FREE printable Metatrons Cube Crystal Grid Template and start creating your crystal grids today!
After the Flower Of Life, this is one of the most popular designs used as a template for crystals grids today. Before we look at how the symbol is used let’s look at it in more detail.

What Is Metatron’s Cube?
Strictly speaking, Metatron’s Cube is a 3D symbol consisting of spheres, cubes and a Merkaba star. You can find all five Platonic Solids within its form. It also has a 2D symbol form which is the one used for crystal grids. This complex symbol is made up of many shapes including circles, triangles, hexagrams and hexagons.
TIP: If you look at Metatron’s Cube long enough you might see a big 3D cube with a smaller 3D cube form in the middle of it.

The Meaning Of Metatrons Cube
As with all symbols, you will find people associate them with different meanings because people have their own way of working with them. This info is just my perspective which is based on my personal experience and research for my book Crystal Grids Power (Please note that as an Amazon Associate I earn from any qualifying purchases at no cost to you).
This symbol takes its name from the Archangel Metatron who is believed to the archangel that records history within a sacred book. In Hermetic Kabbalah/Qabala, Metatron is the angel that is associated with Kether (the Crown) the highest part of the Tree of Life.
Because of this Metatron is associated with divine knowledge and spiritual wisdom. There are many geometric shapes within Metatron’s Cube which are considered sacred and also symbols of protection around the world.

Metatrons Cube Crystal Grids
I like to use Metatrons Cube for crystal grids that are for working with angels and angelic energy. Metatrons Cube grids are good for anything related to spiritual or esoteric knowledge and wisdom. I have found it to be a high vibration symbol which certainly cleanses negative energy. Metatrons Cube also gives angelic protection.
Use A Metatrons Cube Crystal Grid For:
Angelic Connection
Cleansing Negative Energy
Psychic Protection
Spiritual Knowledge & Wisdom
Accessing The Akashic Records
Spiritual Growth
Chakra Clearing
Working With Archangel Metatron

Hi Ethan, I am a life coach and I am choosing to use the grid in my office. When counseling, I want
to address every level that a person needs. I have been following you for a few years and
have found you to be one of the most thoroughly foundational guide on the subject of crystals.
Thank You.
Thank you so much for the positive feedback Yvonne, it is always nice to hear 🙂
Ethan, thank you so much for the Metatrons Cube grid template and for your explanations which I find are very easy to comprehend! Thank you for the knowledge you share! Question – on average, how long do you leave a grid in place? Thank you again!
You’re welcome Dee. Please see my other article How Long Do You Leave a Crystal Grid?
Hey Ethan can you suggest some crystals or crystal grids to prevent ourselves from coVID-19
Hi Sam, I am not the right person for medical related crystal info. I personally do not think crystals can protect from any virus. I feel crystals are going to help us better for releasing fear and anxiety which weakens our immune system. I am putting together a blog post on this but please search the site for crystals for anxiety, stress or calm in the meantime. Take care.
Thank you ethan
So my mom sage a lot and I am getting a lot of bad dreams every time she does what does that mean? and what could help with that?
Hi Sky, I would say that it sounds like the sage burning is working well to clear away negative energies and connections if this is what you are experiencing- the clearing process can be quite uncomfortable with the how your personal experiences manifest but trust me it may be concerning to you but it sounds very positive to me and that lots of ‘stuff’ is getting rid of.
Hi, I’m new to all of this and I plan to use my grid to help me grow spiritually and protect me psychically. I’ve noticed especially lately, I’ve been letting things get to my energy to easily and need a stronger way to protect my empath self!
Thank you very much Ethan for sharing this with everyone
This is a really cool template!