Ethan Lazzerini

8 Crystals For Holiday Stress: Navigating Christmas, Yule & Seasonal Festivities

8 Crystals For Holiday Stress: Navigating Christmas, Yule & Seasonal Festivities

8 Crystals For Holiday Stress: Navigating Christmas, Yule & Seasonal Festivities

Crystals for holiday stress, navigate the challenges of seasonal celebrations, festivities and the Christmas period. Try these crystals to take care of your energy, wellness and manage stress during the busiest time of the year.

Different Types Of Holiday Stress

December is a very busy month in many parts of the world with lots of seasonal festivals and ‘holy days’. Where I live in the UK, this month is dominated by the run-up to Christmas and New Year’s Day. Although there are lots of positive things to say about this time of year, this article is for those that struggle with it.

Simple yule/winter altar
Simple yule/winter altar

Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, it can still affect you and those around you. Shops, supermarkets and city centres are crammed full of people. If you work in retail or run a business, you may have to deal with increased orders, stressed, anxious and rude customers. The postal system starts to slow down under the increased orders. Some find their workload and working hours increasing.

Crystals for holiday stress
Crystals for holiday stress

Children will be off school, there may be visits to our parents and extended family. Many people struggle with social anxiety at this time. There may be gifts and food to buy, events to go to or turn down. Other’s suffer from loneliness during the festive period. It’s also cold and flu season here (combined with a pandemic at the time of writing). The list goes on…

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Crystals For Your Wellbeing

Crystals can support your energy and wellbeing during this hectic time. They can be a secret weapon against holiday stress and help you navigate the season. These crystals can be worn or carried on you. Whenever you are feeling stressed, hold or touch your crystal to access its energy and release any worries.

🌿 Make sure you cleanse the crystals you use at the end of the day.

Choosing Your Crystal

As always, these are just different options, you don’t need all these crystals. Please read my notes below and see which one seems right for you and your situation. Look at my photos to connect with the stones, listen to your intuition if you are unsure. If you keep finding yourself drawn back to a crystal, it’s probably going to be helpful for you.

Crystals for holiday stress
Crystals for holiday stress

8 Crystals For Holiday Stress & Festive Challenges


Ice Blue Calcite is a brilliant companion during the busy months of the year. Blue Calcite is a good stress reducer, it helps you release any anger or frustration. It’s a good calming and peace-inducing stone. Blue Calcite also balances your emotions. These properties make it ideal for work stress, family stress or having to deal with any extended family disputes.

Blue Calcite Tumbled Stone
Blue Calcite Tumbled Stone


I find Green Aventurine is an excellent stone for work-related stress. It has soothing energy and helps you to relax. This green stone is known to be helpful with worries or concerns about money and finances. Green Aventurine also helps with issues around receiving and makes sure you think about yourself more if you’re always doing things for others.

Green Aventurine Tumbled Stone
Green Aventurine Tumbled Stone


This metallic stone is one of my top recommendations for protecting your energy in crowded places. Hematite strengthens your aura and shields you from harmful or unwanted energy. It can be programmed to protect you from unwanted attention so you can go about your day in peace. Hematite also grounds you if you’re feeling scattered from all the things to do.

Hematite Egg
Hematite Egg


Purple-pink tipped Lithium Quartz can be a useful support stone for feelings of anxiety about the season or in social situations. These crystals are powerful cleansers that absorb negative energy from stress or anxiety. Lithium Quartz helps combat the chaos by helping clear your mind of confusion. This crystal also supports the detoxification process if you feel you have overindulged.

Lithium Quartz Crystal Double Terminated Point
Lithium Quartz Crystal Double Terminated Point


This is another option for a crystal that emanates peace and calm. Tune into Celestite to find a place of inner peace and know that everything will be okay in the end. Celestite is a good stone to meditate with and has potent cleansing properties. It brings peaceful energy to your home so it could be good for family gatherings.

Celestite Tumbled Stone
Celestite Tumbled Stone


Don’t overlook Rose Quartz during the festive season. It brings feelings of comfort if you are feeling down or lonely. Rose Quartz works on your heart if old feelings of blame or anger come up for you. Its soothing pink energy envelopes you and supports self-love. Make Rose Quartz part of your evening self-care routine and schedule me-time.

Rose Quartz Goddess Carving
Rose Quartz Goddess Carving


This stone is not as easy to find as the others. I’ve included it here because it is a good support stone during challenging times. Pietersite helps you rise above the chaos and become calm within the storm. If a lot going on in your life and the world, this South African gemstone may help you find your inner anchor. Pietersite supports releasing any overwhelming thoughts or feelings you may encounter.

 Pietersite Cabochon
Pietersite Cabochon


This pretty form of Agate helps smooth the lines of communication with family. When you or others are stressed, it’s easy to lose your cool and snap. Try it if you’re worried about old issues being brought up with family, dealing with poor communicators or family miscommunication. Blue Lace Agate is another calming crystal option for you to work with.

Blue Lace Agate Tumbled Stone
Blue Lace Agate Tumbled Stone

Which crystals for holiday stress will you be teaming up with? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).

If you are looking for other information please use the search box or visit my FREE Resources page to see if it’s already been covered elsewhere.

With gratitude,


P.S. If you know anyone who may be interested in this article, please share it with one of the sharing buttons at the end or side of this post.

Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – Not to be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini.

Psychic protection crystals book 1

10 thoughts on “8 Crystals For Holiday Stress: Navigating Christmas, Yule & Seasonal Festivities

  1. Deirdre Treanor

    I also find that Dumotierite is really soothing, at least for me. I love how it feels when I hold it. I have a palm stone under my pillow that I hold as I go to sleep, and a pocket stone to help me throughout my day.

  2. Lisa Cooper

    I have definitely been working with Hematite lately and it has helped ground and center me. I also find Tangerine Quartz or Fire Quartz very effective also. Aquamarine has been very soothing and helps me go with the flow.

  3. Sam

    Black Tourmaline is my go to to have every single day as it helps to keep you grounded and protected and I suggest for those that are struggling mentally, not only at this time of year, but throughout the year too, Lepidolite as the the lithium it contains is fantastic to help calm and clear your mind. Love and light.

  4. Jacqueline Myers

    Thanks for this. My hematite will go with me to work tomorrow. The town is so busy during the Xmas period and I think this stone will keep me safe and grounded. I use mookaite jasper alot for my comfort stone especially when taking on new projects and work

  5. Cherry

    Happy New Year Ethan!

    I’ve been working with Citrine (because of the long dark days), Mookaite (because I have a neighbour who’s got some very big issues and some very odd ideas about social etiquette, and I need to feel safe), Quartz, lots of different Tourmalines, and the cardinal gems (Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald, in this instance) this Festive season. Also got a lovely Labradorite pendant for Christmas, of which I don’t like taking it off!

    Love and Light.

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