What are the best crystals for fertility or pregnancy? Which 5 crystals help support conception and getting pregnant?
It seems like a lot of people are more open to trying crystals for fertility. About one in seven couples are said to have problems in conceiving a child. So this is quite common. Despite this, it can cause a lot of stress and anxiety in people. Stress can also make the problem worse.
Perhaps that’s why people are looking at spiritual methods. They help people destress and bring a sense of calm. Crystal healing is an alternative healing modality but its roots are ancient. I’m pretty sure one of the most common uses of crystals by ancient people was for fertility.
If you think about it, minerals and crystals come from mother earth. They contain natural elements that connect us with nature and natural cycles.
Please Note
Please note that this article and crystals are not a substitute for medical advice or treatments. You should do all you can on a physical, mental and medical level to give yourself the best chance of getting pregnant. Speak to your doctor or see a fertility specialist first.
Crystals are something you could try in addition to this and see if they work for you. Do all you can to reduce stress, eat healthily, maintain your mental health and allow things to happen.
Working With Crystals For Fertility
Crystals work well when combined with other treatments. I recommend that you try meditation, yoga and other calming therapies while wearing or using your crystals for fertility. You could wear your crystals, carry them on you or meditate with them to benefit from their energy.
You could also place these stones in the bedroom or near your bed. Just make sure that you sleep well with them near you though. Also as fertility problems can be stressful, make sure that crystals are regularly cleansed, especially if you are wearing them every day.
Sacral Chakra Energy
The chakra associated with fertility is the sacral chakra, just below or behind the navel (see chart above). You could try placing any of these crystals for fertility over this chakra. Lay down for this on your bed. Close your eyes, take deep breaths and relax for around 15 minutes to cleanse, balance and activate this chakra.
Crystal Eggs
Although any form of these crystals will help you, eggs are symbolic of fertility. A crystal egg also represents new life and new beginnings. You could hold a crystal egg during meditation or have it on display in your home or bedroom. This is just an idea to consider.
5 Crystals For Fertility
You can use regular moonstone (cream or white colour) or Peach Moonstone if available. Moonstone is a traditional crystal for fertility. This pearlescent gemstone helps balance the motions. It’s linked to the Moon which is connected to female cycles and natural rhythms. This crystal holds a lot of feminine power and energy.
Carnelian is connected to the Sacral Chakra. As mentioned earlier, this is the energy centre associated with sexuality and pregnancy. This orange stone cleanses and activates this chakra. Carnelian boosts energy in this area and taps you into creative goddess energy. It also works for men as the chakra and firey energy still apply.
Rose Quartz is one of the most popular crystals for fertility. This pink crystal embodies the energy of Mother Earth and carries the frequency of love. Rose Quartz is soothing and calming which helps reduce stress and creates supportive energy for conception. This crystal is a nurturing stone making it great to use during pregnancy and motherhood.
This is a formation where the termination of a crystal point grows into a larger point (see my photo). They can be seen as resembling a sceptre, wand or phallus. Although all crystal points have this active male energy, sceptres quartz is quite potent. They work well for male infertility issues, enhancing fertility in general and supporting personal empowerment.
This form of calcite is excellent for cleansing the sacral chakra of energetic blocks or negativity. Orange Calcite helps you release fears around fertility or pregnancy. It clears these from the sacral centre and also awakens your creative energy too.
I’m adding an extra crystal here which I feel needs to be mentioned! Although some consider this a masculine stone I see it more about the union. For me, a Shiva lingam combines both masculine energy (the phallic form) and feminine energy (circular markings). This sacred stone can assist anyone seeking to enhance their fertility. It also helps reduce worry, stress and anxiety on the journey.
NEWS! I’m going to be including a special crystal grid for fertility in my next book, the second volume of Crystal Grids Power.
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With gratitude,
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Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – The text and photos should not be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini. You can share links to it but don’t copy!
I’ll try this cause I have fertility problems. Thanks