Ethan Lazzerini

Spiritual Morning Rituals For Success & Wellness

Spiritual Morning Rituals For Success & Wellness

Spiritual Morning Rituals For Success & Wellness

33 spiritual morning rituals for success, empowerment, manifesting and wellness. Supercharge your morning routine or discover new morning ritual ideas to add to your own…

What Are Morning Rituals?

Morning rituals are habits that you adopt to start your day off better. The morning is a powerful time to focus on our intentions, connect with our spirit/higher self and increase our energy. Some of the most successful people in the world have morning rituals.

How you start your day sets the whole tone of your day, energetically. Even a small change every morning can make a big difference if done consistently.

Mini altar with crystals, books, candle and flowers
Why not create a sacred space to do your morning rituals?

Are Your Mornings Helpful?

Have a look at what you do every morning and how it affects you. If you don’t already do morning rituals the chances are you may be doing some time-sucking things that only deplete your energy. Some common things we do cloud our minds and trigger us to be negatively reactive.

By cutting these things out you can create more time to add a few life-affirming rituals in. If you are someone who gets up late, try getting up just 15 minutes earlier to create the time for this. Below are a few common bad morning habits that you might want to reconsider. Total transparency here, I used to do all three.

1. Checking Social Media

This is the most common way we start the day off badly. What you are doing is allowing a bunch of other peoples thoughts, lives and opinions to fill your mind before your own. It takes one annoying post or article to set a chain of thoughts that really don’t help you at all. There is plenty of time later in the day to check these posts if you need to when you are more centred.

“You can use social media,

but just don’t let it use you”

2. Reading, Listening To Or Watching The News

If you want to check the headlines or keep up with current events that is your choice. The problem is when you do this early in the morning. Most of the news is negative, scary, confusing and sensational. This puts you in a mental state of worry or fear first thing in the morning. This programs your mind to think this is a dangerous place to live, keeping you stuck in your lower chakras.

3. Checking Your Emails

Spam, adverts and other people’s requests on your time. If you run a business or work from home it might be tempting to do this as you start your day, just in case there is something urgent, right? I highly recommend you work within office hours from home. Otherwise, you are letting your boss or clients occupy your headspace 24/7.

Example vision board with images of holidays, homes and lifestyle goals
Why not create a Vision Board? Fill your mind with thoughts of what you WANT, not what you don’t want…

Begining Mornings Rituals

The truth is you don’t have to get up at 4 am to have an effective morning routine (I don’t). If you only have five minutes then use them wisely. I think it is much easier to start small and then build up over time. If possible, try introducing three rituals to your morning with a minimum of 5 minutes dedicated to each one.

The beauty of morning rituals is that they can be perfectly customised to your lifestyle and personal needs. You can change them up, add to them and spend more or less time on each one.

Adopting new habits takes some time. You need to do these spiritual morning rituals for at least a month before they become true habits. It also takes some time to see and feel the difference in your mindset and life. At first, it will be hard and even uncomfortable. Keep going, it is worth it but you must commit to doing this.

TIP – Create A Reminder

Once you decide on a morning routine, write down in order each ritual on a piece of paper or a post-it note. Have this somewhere where you see it every morning when you wake up.

Alternatively, set a notification on your phone but just be careful to resist the temptation to check social media. A list is very helpful in the beginning so you know what you are doing in order. Eventually, it becomes second nature.

Obelisk salt lamp with buddha statue
The warm glow of a salt lamp looks like the rising sun

My Morning Routine

My morning routine was not that great a few years ago. I had heard about the power of morning rituals and that led me to read the book, The Miracle Morning. It really went into the studies that support morning rituals and had a clear structure to follow.

You can learn more about this book at the link below if you’re interested. Please note, as an Amazon Associate I earn from any qualifying purchases.

Book Recommendation – The Miracle Morning

The miracle morning book
The Miracle Morning is a great read

As an author and someone that works from home a lot, having some control over my day is important. I have to be self-motivated and like many of you reading this, I am in the process of creating the life I want. Although I was grounding and shielding every morning, exercise and yoga were inconsistent. I also needed to work on my mindset and focus on my goals.

I started a series of morning rituals four years ago and have never looked back. It has definitely helped me along to way and I could not imagine going back to how things were before. If you want to know specifically what I do let me know below and I might write an article on this.

33 Spiritual morning rituals to transform your life
Your morning routine affects your whole day

33 Spiritual Morning Rituals

Most of the information out there on morning routines and rituals focuses on physical health, the mind and motivation. These are all great ways to start your day. If you are spiritual you might want to include more metaphysical methods to raise your vibration and manifest the life you want.

I’ve created an idea list for you below to choose helpful rituals to begin your day. I’ve broken them down into groups so you can more easily customise your own rituals. You could pick one from each category or go with what your needs are. Pick at least three things to begin or add them to your existing morning rituals.

15 Minutes or More?

Some of these rituals can take less than 5 minutes and that is all you need to start. A single yoga exercise can be done in this time but not for a longer yoga set. Reading is also something that you may want to do for 10 minutes. If you have one day a week where you have more time (your day off) then you could have a longer morning ritual on that day.

Books, crystals, candle holder, pyramid and fossil
A few crystals in the area you do your morning rituals help raise the energy

Morning Rituals For Your Body

Drink warm lemon water

Drink herbal tea

Do one random act of kindness


Make and drink a fresh green juice

Tai Chi

Do a breathing exercise


Morning Rituals For Your Mind


Repeat Affirmations

Read a spiritual book

Visualise your dream life

Gratitude, think of things you’re grateful for

Write in a Gratitude Journal

Visualise your day ahead going smoothly

Read a motivational book

Do some Journaling

Visualise your main goal in detail with Clear Quartz

Visualise three things you want to manifest with Clear Quartz

Read a personal development book

Listen to or watch an inspirational podcast or video

Contemplate your Vision Board

Planner surrounded by crystals and pinecones
Planners can change your life

Invest In A Holistic Planner

I highly recommend you use a holistic planner to take control of your day and achieve your goals. I have been using the InnerGuide planner for years now. I have tried many others and I don’t know where I would be without this one. You can learn more about them HERE (affiliate link)

Morning Rituals For Your Soul

Pull an Oracle or Tarot card for the day

Give yourself Reiki or other healing energy

Send Reiki or healing energy to someone who needs it

Repeat a mantra

Activate your psychic protection shield

Pray or connect with a higher power

Meditate with a crystal

Cleanse and balance your chakras

Use a mala or prayers beads for mantras or affirmations

Cleanse your aura with incense, singing bowl or selenite

Connect with your guides or angels

Selection of oracle and tarot card decks
Oracle card decks can be motivational and empowering

Simple Morning Routine Example 1

1 – Grounding for 5 minutes

2 – Affirmations for 5 minutes

3 – Gratitude journal for 5 minutes

Simple Morning Routine Example 2

1 – Meditation for 5 minutes

2 – Psychic protection technique for 5 minutes

3 – Oracle card of the day for 5 minutes

Simple Morning Routine Example 3

1 – Cleanse your aura for 5 minutes

2 – Visualise your biggest goal for 5 minutes

3 – Yoga for 10 minutes

Let me know if you will be trying any of these morning rituals. I would love to hear from you in the comments below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).

If you are looking for other information please search my website or visit the Resources page to see if it’s already been covered elsewhere.

With gratitude,


P.S. If you know anyone who may be interested in this article please share it with one of the sharing buttons at the end or side of this post.

Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – Not to be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini.

14 thoughts on “Spiritual Morning Rituals For Success & Wellness

  1. Janice O'Kane

    Thanks for this Ethan. These are all great suggestions; some of them I already have in practice. I’m definitely adopting the ritual of visualizing with clear quartz. I love knowing the detail of other’s morning routines and it would be very cool to know your personal routine. Hoping you will write a post on that in future.

  2. Lisa Viner

    This blog post really resonated with me . It was something that I had been looking for in my life.
    Actually did a grounding meditation and wrote in my abandoned gratitude journal! Feeling more positive, thank you again.

  3. Cynthia

    Definitely not social media or the news! Here’s a few others; morning stretch, cleanse aura with selenite and/or Palo Santo smoke or spray, sit/ground with hematite. I agree, journaling is so great. It really helps to put your thoughts down on paper. I also make my lists in the morning when my head is clear.

  4. Orapim Sompongse

    It is really good charging myself in the morning. I have been doing sort of morning rituals for two months. I first do channelling central breathing, visualising send love power to family and people in workplace. Secondly, I do affirmation and matra with Amethyst prayers beads. Reading even short article about self development, writing my intention of a day, and very small exercise. I found that it could refresh and makes me prompt to start a day. I will keep doing this. By the way, I have recently worn Kayanite necklace and put small pendants of Moldavite and Citrine together. Wonderful!

  5. Chrissy Robinson

    These are wonderful suggestions Ethan I will definitely be adding some of these to my morning ritual and taking out a couple things too Thank you so much for this great post!!!

  6. Christine Marino

    I was preparing for my morning meditation time when I wrote in my journal how disconnected I felt and unable to help myself feel better. So in hopes of getting inspired, I opened up Pinterest and this article was at the top of the page! I chuckled because it reminded me that even if I feel disconnected my guides and spirit are on duty 24/7! I need to begin changing my morning routine, especially during the pandemic. I have some great ideas from you and will begin to change how I start my day. Light and blessings to you! ✨✨

  7. Sandra Kuehn

    Hi Ethan , I enjoyed this article. i just finished reading the miracle morning. I started but found the early mornings too hard. I am now inspired again to try a different morning regime.

  8. Joanne Hoare

    I happily read your lists and already do a few of them its nice that you give us more ideas. I am up at 5am each morn even though Iam retired with nowhere to go I use my time just checking the news (not good and I know it .so now I sit and breath with an Amethyst. today I will start a new ritual thank you

  9. Jess

    I’ve been looking to start a new routine for weeks. The first mistake I’ve personally noticed is looking up news on my phone for at least twenty mins. Cheers to all of us finding that perfect routine.

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