Can you make a crystal grid for more than one person? Will a crystal grid work for a couple, family, community, city, country or any group of people? Here’s my advice…
Crystal Grids Power
Crystal grids can be a powerful and versatile spiritual tool. I believe that they are only limited by our imaginations. You can do so much with a crystal grid and I encourage you to experiment, try things out for yourself.

In most cases when you make a crystal grid for a person it will be either for yourself or for someone else that requested it. If you have ever made a crystal grid around your home for example, then may have already made a group grid.
These crystal grids will work for all those that live in your home, partners, family members or pets. This is even if you did not mention them but what about regular types of crystal grids? What if you do mention your family or others by name? What if these people don’t live with you?

Reasons For Making Group Grids
There are many reasons you might want to create a crystal grid for more than one person. Perhaps you want a crystal grid for you and your partner to work on your relationship? What if you have a business partner and want to grow your business together?
For example, you might wish to protect your children or your whole family. Maybe you know a family that is going through a bad time and want to cleanse any negative energy for them? Also in global events, what if you want to send healing or protection to a community, city or country?

Will A Crystal Grid For More Than One Person Work?
The short answer to this question is yes. You can make crystal grids for more than one person. You would normally mention them by name when you activate your grid and write their names in the intention note. The crystal grid will send energy where it is needed to help you towards manifesting the change you want to see.
Considerations When Others Are Involved
If you read my book Crystal Grids Power then you may remember that I recommend you ask for permission to include other people in your crystal grid when possible. There are situations such as global events or where someone is not contactable or even conscious for example.
In these cases always add to your intention that it will only be for their highest and greatest good. This way you will not have to worry about sending energy that is not wanted.
Hopefully, this has clarified this if you were unsure about making a crystal grid for more than one person (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).
If you are looking for other information please search my website or visit the Resources page to see if it’s already been covered elsewhere.
With gratitude,
P.S. If you know anyone who may be interested in this article please share it with one of the sharing buttons at the end or side of this post.
Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – Not to be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini.
Thank you, this is very pertinent because I’ve just ordered my first small grid board!!
Can you please recommend any sites for buying small points for grids.
I’m going to order your book today!
Thank you Lisa. If you mean clear Quartz points then I have a blog post about this with more info. Check out Must-Have Crystals For Crystal Grids.
Could you go into a little more detail about intention notes? I’ve made a couple grids, but I’m not really familiar with that step/aspect.
It is where you write your intention on a small piece of paper, fold if possible and place this under your central stone. It helps with setting your intention but some people don’t use them.
HI Ethan, thank you for the thoughtful points on gridding for a group – i have been mentioning “my family and myself” when i set the intentions, and wondered if that would work. I also enjoy your photos of your colorful grids very much.
This interest in crystals is more fun and exciting than any previous hobby or diversion. So I am bound to continue learning about them, and appreciate your articles, books and pictures.
Thank you!
Thank you for the feedback Marina!
Hi Ethan thanK you, when we first started getting COVID patients in the Uk I Felt drawn to build a healing grid over a picture of the Earth and spent some time each evening opening myself to Reiki and sending love and healing to the earth and all who live on the Earth I really feel that this has helped not only myself but others too
My daughter is married, pregnant with my second grandbaby, lives in Georgia and her husband is in the Army he is deploying to South Korea in October. He was told at first he would be able to fly home for 21 days for the birth of their daughter in January, now that is in question whether he will be able to come home. I want to ask the Universe for help in making this a possibility (for him to come home) through a crystal grid. I have all your books, I am new to grids and my question is..can I create a grid for this purpose and am asking for any help with creating this grid. I do have their permission.
Hi, It is worth trying though I do not know of a crystal grid for this specific situation. I would recommend you try the all-purpose crystal grid in my book Crystal Grids Power for this.
Thats the exact one I was thinking I so appreciate your response. Have a blessed day