Are you looking for a crystal to stop nightmares? This simple yet highly effective crystal ritual can be used to banish nightmares, disturbing dreams or recurring bad dreams.
I’m often asked about crystals to stop nightmares, especially when they are recurring or bothering someone’s child. The cause of nightmares may vary and although they may be rooted in fears, anxiety or trauma, nobody needs to suffer.

Can Crystals Help Me?
My method only requires one crystal to stop nightmares… In my experience and that of those who have tried the technique, I am going to share, crystals can be very effective.
I knew someone who had terrible recurring nightmares. I told them what to do and they admitted that they were not sure it would work for them. Their nightmare stopped straight away and they didn’t come back.
They also reported other emotional and mental health benefits which I believe were caused by a deep cleansing of their aura and mental body. This crystal and the specific way I use it seems to syphon off attached negative energy which may be causing nightmares.

How Does It Work?
This crystal ritual is a form of crystal healing done while we sleep to heal and clear the source of the nightmares. Over the years I have developed this simple ritual to further enhance its effectiveness. I am sharing the most up to date version here.
Please note I’m not a doctor and this is not medical advice. This is a purely holistic and spiritual technique. If nothing else has worked for you, this may be worth a try. What have you got to lose?

Optional Step: Space Clearing
This step is not required for this technique to work but it is something you will benefit from if you’re not already doing this. If you do have the time it’s a good idea to cleanse the room you or the person suffering from nightmares sleeps in.
How you cleanse your room is completely up to you. You could smudge with ethically sourced White Sage, Palo Santo or any cleansing incense like Frankincense, Sandalwood or Dragon’s Blood (a tree resin). I recommend this is done early in the day and that the room is well aired during and after with open windows.
Alternatively, you could use a Tibetan Singing Bowl, Crystal Singing Bowl, Tingshas or even a brass bell. You can also use smudge sprays or any cleansing spray which use essential oils and or gem essences.

What you are doing is cleansing any lingering unbalanced or negative energy from pervious nightmares or the past. This creates a better energetic atmosphere for sleep.
A Crystal To Stop Nightmares
You will need a medium-sized natural Citrine Crystal Point. A Smoky Citrine or Citrine with a smoky phantom formation inside it works really well too. The point can be raw or polished. Please see my guide regarding Natural Citrine Vs Heat Treated.
For stopping nightmares I recommend you only use natural Citrine because of its deeply detoxifying properties and higher vibration. I also do not recommend substituting this crystal for something else. This is what works and why I’m sharing this with you. Please trust me on this one.

Ritual: How To Use A Crystal To STOP Nightmares
Everything in this ritual has a purpose and reason behind it so please follow my steps and avoid making changes for the best results.
In the evening or before going to bed take a warm shower or a bath. This relaxes you and helps release the energy of the day. Bathing products that contain relaxing natural essential oils or extracts of Lavender or any cleansing herbs are ideal.
Make sure that your Citrine Crystal Point is cleansed before you use it. You don’t want any old or negative energies clogging your crystal.
Before you go to bed hold your crystal and focus on your intention to end all nightmares and have peaceful dreams or you could program the crystal for this purpose. With a child, you can go through the process of focusing on the intention with them. You can also program the crystal for them in advance too if you wish.
Place the crystal on the bedside cabinet or side table next to your side of the bed or the side of the person being treated. Make sure the termination point of the crystal is facing away from the head and body (see the diagram below).

Hi Ethan – thank you for this – would this help insomnia in general? and where can i buy a natural citrine point? thanks Ingrid
It would personally not use it that way which is why I don’t recommend it be used longterm by your bed. I’ve covered my recommended crystals for sleep in another blog post if you’re interested. There is no special source for natural Citrine with most shops selling both types. I wrote the guide linked in this article to help people identify the real thing.
thank you for your reply – much appreciated. kind regards Ingrid
I have had nightmares for many years, even yelling in my sleep and waking up others in the household. I bought two Angelite, in their natural state, after my Aunt, Uncle and Mother died in July, August and September in 2010. I was told the Angelite would help me communicate with Angels and Archangels. I put both of the Angelite under my pillow. I am not sure if I communicated with any celestial beings but after a few nights I noticed that my nightmares had stopped. When I talked to my husband about it, he said that I had not woken him up in the last night or two. When I start to get nightmares again, I know it is time to cleanse my Angelite by putting them on the windowsill for 24 to 48 hours. While the Angelite are being cleansed I put two Celestite, also in their natural state, under my pillow which works good for my nightmares. The Celestite are not smooth like the Angelite, so I only use them when the Angelite needs cleansing. I keep the Celestite on the dresser beside my bed along with Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Rose Quartz and Citrine. After reading your article I am sure most of the Citrine I have has been heat treated. My Citrine still feels good in my hands and I get good vibrations from them as well.
Please let me know how much a small real citrine will cost. I want one from YOU!
Hi, I don’t trade in crystals and there are too many factors involved in pricing crystals. The real thing is never cheap though. I am too busy to run a crystal business along with everything else I do. I have an article about where I get my crystals from for those that are interested. You can go through those sellers and see who has natural citrine at the moment – Where I Get My Crystals From.
Thank you
Greetings! Ethan, I want to thank you for sharing this article, more power to you and God Bless!
Have you ever heard of Astro Gems gallery in NYC ? Would you consider them to be reputable sellers of gem stones specifically Citrine? If not van you recommend where I can find real Citrine gems or stones
I don’t live in the USA. I wrote the article about Natural Citrine to help people identify the crystals themselves. Stock and suppliers constantly changes, most crystal shops and websites I use will sell both. Best to learn how to spot the difference.
I have purchased a natural citrine from that very store. They sell both natural and heat treated citrine, so it helps if you know what natural looks like. The ones that look just like amethyst but are orange are the heat treated ones. The natural one I got was labeled as being from the Congo. It’s a large point that fits my hand very well. You could always ask one of the people working there for help tho.
I have made a pyramid where I out the top crystal hanging from the ceiling and other 4 corners of the apartment. So it covers the whole apartment. I also have a small pyramid I bought about 9 inches high and 5 inches long in each side. I out my crystals in this to energize and cleanse. Does it matter if I out them in this copper pyramid which has a crystal hanging from. Enter orbit or anywhere in the apartment with the big pyramid??
I don’t get nightmares very often but I had two the other night that woke me up at different times, and the second one was so unsettling that I was too afraid to close my eyes again for quite a while. The yucky feelings from the dreams stayed with me all day, and bedtime was coming around again, and just looking at my bed made me feel anxious, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I tried. I searched around the internet for nightmare banishing rituals, and yours caught my eye. I’m very glad I already had a citrine point crystal.
I followed the ritual to a T, and I was not afraid to go to bed after that. I fell asleep right away. I still had dreams, and they weren’t even happy dreams, but they didn’t scare me, and in the dreams I was able to find solutions to problems so that I was not in any fear.
I’m going to repeat the ritual again tonight just to be “safe”. 🙂 Thank you for this; it really helped!
Hello. After my mother had some night with terrible nightmares I said that I have to try and do something for her. So I went and bought a smoky citrine (because natural citrine it’s hard to find in such short time and so little possibilities in Bucharest, Romania). But it worked so well. Thank you very much for such precious information. Also I have a question : where do I put the crystal after that 3 days or when I don’t use it. Can I keep it in the bedroom or …?
Thats great! Its up to you, you can still keep it in the bedroom just not right or under by the bed.