Ethan Lazzerini

Good Places To Buy Crystals (My Tips & Buyers Guide)

Good Places To Buy Crystals (My Tips & Buyers Guide)

Good Places To Buy Crystals (My Tips & Buyers Guide)

One of the most common questions I get asked is where do I get my crystals from or where is a good place to buy crystals. Here are my top tips and buyers guide for buying crystals online and in shops.

The Thing About My Crystal Collection

Some of the crystals in my collection have been with me since the early 90’s. This was before the internet and most of those shops no longer exist. Some of my crystals were also gifted to me.
Then others I won at online auctions. You see in the mid 2000’s we did not have many websites with crystals for sale. Most people did not trust small websites with their card details and the biggest source of crystals was actually Ebay.
Ebay can be a risky place to buy if you don’t know who is a reputable seller. There are lots of fake crystals on there which has put buyers off.
Other websites and sellers I bought crystals from have since disappeared. Keep reading and I will share where to buy today…
Crystals and Crystal Points on display

Crystals and Crystal Points on display

The Truth About Crystal Shops & Websites

The truth is there is no single one place to buy crystals. You can get excellent quality genuine crystals from your local Crystal Shop or Metaphysical Shop.
Fake crystals are something we all need to be aware of, but please don’t get swept away by fear over buying fake stones or become paranoid. Yes, they exist but so does fake money and fake everything come to think of it… More info on this later.
The benefit of buying from a bricks and mortar shop is that you can see things up close, at all angles, handle the crystals and feel the energy directly. You can also more easily pick the exact shape of a Tumble Stone or small Crystal Point that you want.
The Internet has allowed people to get crystals they would never have had a chance of even seeing 15 years ago. I remember not too long ago many people refused to buy crystals online but thankfully that has become a thing of the past. If you do not purchase crystals online your choices will be very limited unless you live near a mine or somewhere like Tucson.

Always Buy From A Reputable Seller

When buying online always buy from a reputable seller, look at the reviews, inspect their crystal photos carefully, ask questions if needed. Check out their social media pages.
Use gem, crystal and mineral books to help identify the real thing. Some of this will come with experience. Be careful of very cheap crystals, if it is too good to be true, it probably isn’t the real thing.
If you want to know where the crystal is from and it does not say, then ask them.
There is a whole World of crystals and minerals out there so I buy online, in Shops and at Gem Shows. What I share here is always just my experience and yours may be different. This is a personal thing, I just want to open people’s minds to different things.
Different crystals stored in a drawer

Different crystals stored in a drawer

Tips For Buying Crystals Online

If you have friends into crystals they may be able to recommend a good website or seller online. If you found a website yourself, make sure you take a good look around before buying anything. Do they have a good selection of crystals in all kinds of shapes and sizes? Are the photos professional and clear? Do they list the size of the crystals? Are more expensive pieces shown in photos at different angles?
See if they have customer reviews. I always like to check if they have a Facebook page or other social media presence. This tells me that they are an active website which is stocked and updated. If there is something you need help with always send them an email first and see if they are helpful.
The downside of most online shops is that you may not be able to choose the exact Tumble Stone you want. For larger crystals, you should be able to see photos of the actual crystal you will receive but always check this is the case.
I do not pay too much attention to the crystal properties listed on websites. I would advise you use trusted crystal books and sources for properties. Some sellers hype things up and really bad sellers may give inaccurate information. All sellers in shops or online can make mistakes, which is why I recommend using good books for reference especially for identifying stones.
Crystal books by Ethan Lazzerini

Click the pic above to learn more about my crystal books

If you are purchasing crystals from a foreign country check the shipping charges before you buy anything. Also, make sure you know the limits on imports set by your country’s customs laws. Bulk orders overseas can be very expensive so be careful.

Crystal Website Red Flags To Watch Out For:

They do not respond to emails or take over 3 working days to reply.
No social media presence or inactivity for years.
Blurry or dark photos.
After ordering you get an email saying an item is out of stock…
They have a tiny selection of crystals.
Crystals arrive badly packaged.
Good Places To Buy Crystals - Top Tips and Buyers Guide

Places To Buy Crystals (Save this to Pinterest!)

Where I Buy My Crystals Today:

I live in England in the UK, so I try to buy crystals from within the UK. This is because my Country has strict laws on imports which means we get draconian taxes and “handling fees” put on anything over £15 ($21) that we buy outside the EU. Customs also holds on to the order and it gets delayed even longer.
If I see something really special online and I can’t find it here then I will order it from another Country. Some of the best crystals I have found were from Gem Shows in my local area.

Buying Crystals From Gem Shows

Depending on where you live, you may be able to visit a Gem Show. The largest and the most world famous is the Tucson Gem Show in the US but there are others and similar events in Europe and the UK.
These annual events have a huge selection of crystals and jewellery from many different sellers. Prices vary but I have found amazing bargains at these places. Great for larger pieces too. To learn more about visiting and shopping at Gem Shows please visit my article Gem Show Tips & Buyers Guide.

Mind, Body & Spirit Events

Very few people mention these but they have more and more crystal stands. Just like a Gem Show, they travel around the country and you will need to see when one is in your area or travel to one. Google has the answer. I have found very affordable crystals, bargains and unique pieces at these events.

The Etsy Marketplace

Etsy has become a popular place to find crystals and crystal sellers. It is an open marketplace and consists of new and old businesses, different shops there will sell different things but generally, it is better quality than elsewhere. Always check the reviews and decide for yourself.
Like anywhere there are good and bad sources. I personally and most people I know have had good experiences on there but it will depend on who you buy from. As I have said before buy from a reputable seller and use discernment when buying.
The following is a list of places I have purchased many of my personal crystals from for years. Please note I am not responsible for your experience with them or what they sell, your experience is your own.

UPDATE: Please Note

Since I wrote this article many crystal businesses have come and gone. Sadly, since 2020 many of the crystal shops I bought from have shut down. Some of these links may not work any more. I cant update as I do not buy crystals very often these days as I have so many.
Please do not post negative reviews here or details of any problems you have had with these or other sellers. That is between you and them and not the purpose of this blog post or my website. Thank you.
If you decide to purchase anything from anyone, please let them know where you heard about them. 🙂
Soulful Crystals
Based in the UK. Formally Crystal Reflection. Huge selection of Tumble Stones and beautiful high quality crystals. Very helpful and friendly service.
Mile Hi Consciousness
Based in the USA. Carefully curated and stunning, high quality crystals that sell quickly. Run by Terra who has a hugely popular Instagram account you need to check out.
Shamans Crystal
Based in the UK and trading since 2005. Good choice of crystals and Tumble Stones. Nice Crystal grid sets and Copper grid bases. Points and cut stones in all shapes. Lots of other spiritual goodies. Gives discounts to members that return!
Lavish Earth
Based in the USA. Amy’s Instagram drew me to her crystal shop. It is filled with treasures of the Earth. Very carefully chosen crystals with many beautiful display pieces.
Unreal Earth
Based in the UK. A more recent discovery. Lots of Tumble Stones and also some stunning display crystals. Many Thumb Stones & Wands.
The Crystal Buddha
Based in the UK. This crystal shop and website is a member of the FTMG Fair Trade Minerals and Gems. Their crystals are ethically mined and high quality. Lots of unique and unusal stones here.
Esoteric Earth
Based in the UK. For the crystal connoisseur. Rare, unusual, high vibration high quality crystals and gemstones. Liam has been selling for many years and always has something new, crystals can sell fast.
Solstice Store
Based in India. I found them through their popular Instagram page while looking for a Pyrite Pyramid. I was very happy with my experience and the quality of their crystals. Ideal for those in or near India.
Madagascan Direct
Based in the UK. They have been fairly trading minerals from Madagascar for nearly 20 years. They have some stunning natural stones, display crystals and even fossils. Specialising in minerals from Madagascar, I’ve never been dissapointed.
The Zentist
This metaphysical shop is based in York in the UK. It’s situated on a ley line and I have going here since the mid-2000s and they are now trading online. The current owners, Barbara and Mike are always helpful and the crystals have a good energy about them.
Do you know any good places online to buy crystals? I welcome genuine buyer recommendations in the comments below but please no self-promotion advertising. This post has attracted lots of spammy comments… Thank you for your understanding. (Please keep any questions you have on topic if you want a response).
If you’re interested in learning more about crystals and Crystal Healing do check out my FREE Crystal Healing Resources page.
With gratitude,
P.S. If you know anyone who may be interested in this article please share it with one of the sharing buttons at the end or side of this post.
Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini


Crystal Grids Power Book

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72 thoughts on “Good Places To Buy Crystals (My Tips & Buyers Guide)

  1. Sarah

    Hi Ethan,
    I’m new to the world of crystals and I’ve really been enjoying your posts; they’ve been helping me a lot.
    As fascinating as it’s been learning about crystals and their energies, I do have a question I’m hoping you can shed some light into for me: How are the energies or healing powers and effects of crystals determined? As in, how was it established that a rose quartz is related to the heart chakra and promotes love and compassion versus selenite clearing negative energies?
    I’m in the process of starting a crystal collection and every time I see a crystal in a store or online and the related information as to what they’re good for/used for, I always wonder how it’s come to be.
    Thanking you in advance for your expertise 🙂

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      Hi Sarah. Good question. Some of the meanings of crystals come to us from ancient traditional sources. The colour, shape and look of a crystal is often related to the energy. Colour is vibration so it is a good guide to their properties and chakra association. Add to this that people who are sensitive to energies can pick up what they do (how I like to work) and you have what we call today Crystal Healing. Hope this helps.

  2. Sarah

    Thank you so much! That makes perfect sense. It also reiterates why deep down I feel I should stick to purchasing crystals from a store rather than online. I think the energy and the connection would be the best determining point to why I should get one crystal over another. Keep up the great work, best wishes.

  3. Samantha Rogers

    A lot of my friends collect crystals and have been pushing me to try it out. I think that I would enjoy having them, but I’m not sure where to start. I liked your tip about buying online, as it really seems to broaden your selection. I think that I would like to buy a fire agate first, but is there a certain order that you should collect your crystals in?

  4. Terry Anderson

    I have loved having different crystals, stones minerals and rocks for 40 years. The best places to get crystals are gem shows, gem and rock groups and online sites like Tourmaline Kings,
    All about rocks. These are great people who are very knowledgeable about anything you can take a picture of! I highly recommend these groups if you really want to learn.

  5. Luisa

    I have been buying my crystals at this website has a lot of good crystal sellers. My favorite shops are TheSacredCrystal and WildAndFreeProple if this helps you more. I hope everyone finds what they’re looking for.

  6. Halah

    If you live in the USA come to Boston and obviously besides going to Salem. There is a wonderful place called. Open Doors!!! This store has n does it all. You will not be disappointed

  7. Tiffany S.

    13 Moons is also an excellent online shop to buy crystals and so much more. They also have a physical store and are located in Vermont. The owners are the best and will answer any questions you may have. And as mentioned by previous people, I have also had good luck on ETSY.

  8. Lisa

    Hi Ethan,

    You mentioned Mile Hi Consciousness. The lady who owns this place is her name Tessa? Or Terra? Please let me know! Thank you. Your words of wisdom and guidance are of great importance to me.

  9. Minxy

    I purchase some at They have a very wide variety, their stones seem high quality and their prices are reasonable.

    Also their shipping is very, very careful – lots of bubble wrap and so on.

    Thanks for the article and your interesting website!

    1. Galen

      I was often skeptical about buying crystals online but was referred to a shop by a friend.

      They had a fairly small collection of crystals as they also sold jewellery and other self care items.

      Their customer service was brilliant and I emailed them before I bought from them!

      The website was called enchanted nymph, something I was a little dubious about was it being through Shopify.

      If anyone else has other suggestions for websites they like I’d love to hear about it

  10. Amber

    Thank you for the information on other stores that I wasn’t familiar with! I’m still learning and growing in the Healing Crystals world and find myself getting engorged with information, and not many outlets. Your site has helped to narrow down my rabbit trail searches exponentially!

    For online buying I find myself drawn to those sites who have the information on each stone/fossil/crystal set up in a format that doesn’t come across as “too much” or “not enough”.

    Having said that, being able to take what I’ve learned from your site thus far and combining it with the availability of stones/crystals and the information they provide & pricing, I’ve ordered from:
    1. My “go-to” site:
    2. Etsy store:

    and am still going to order from:
    3. Seem to have good prices and variety:

    I hope this is within the confines of topic/content you specified.

  11. Bilge

    As a traveler or online buyer of since 1996 natural stones, crystals, minerals -jewelry, gemstone now mainly online buyer, the online stores even suggested above all does not mention even the origin of country let alone certified- in all types of buying-local shop- it is getting rarer and rarer that they dont know most where they are from, in any type buying mention- the any version of whatever you are buying- origin country in all above suggested even they don’t inform the origin of country…I am sure most of them are honest even though they don’t mention again origin as they dont know I agree to some articles, it was easier in the past, you got to Colombia(like my visits to South Africa, Brazil) and go to the mine directly and you buy your stones in every specific info certification prepared behind the highly secured safety bolted doors or there were more honesty online in the very past…for example I don’t want to mention there is a well known jewelry shop in UK , their first sentence all gemstones are GIA appraised, I bought from them couple of times, on their web page the origin of the stone’s country is mentioned where the photo of the jewelry, web page looks good, quality, details nicely written, origin written there, oh and GIA apprised, good as golden, let’s buy some jewelry right? no..nothing comes with the rings or the pendants or the earings, i have asked where is GIA appraisals, they say they don’t do any appraisal of GIA or any type…offered to me that they can prepare kind of certificate what i wish is written on, I said you are lying about GIA endorsement and if I alert GIA, you will be in trouble…they didnt care, they sent me a kind of paper, yes I call paper, appraisal amount and I told them to add origin of the stone if it is true-God knows, they revised and placed the origin of country next to pumped up appraisal value, I still dont know if it is true…they are still big and famous going strong in UK
    After writing all this long past experiences-cant travel anymore as often- I really wish to know a trustworthy online store at least reveals the origin of country they are mined in any natural condition mother earth is true to gift us, like the very honest mining direct company one of their precious stone is extreme quality peridot comes with everything, certification etc from California, 100%, direct from mining…I hope to hear from someone, any online stores at least revealing the origin of the countries…it is sad we came to this point…I hope my long text is read and and I get some help on my long overwhelming fight to find the true sellers online…Thank you…best..B…

    1. CARMEN

      One of the “trusted” sources he mentioned, is the one source that I find the most in sites that actually mention which are “NOT to be trusted” because they sell stones from China, that are not exactly what they seem. Don’t worry, when we are getting ripped off constantly and I still to find one or two that can be trusted to sell they real thing? Great comment! As to Etsy, I tried pulling up a specific crystal and came up with so many “versions” that did not looked even remotely similar.

      1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

        Fake or missold stones can be found anywhere, you have to use discernment and your knowledge when buying crystal. Crystal and mineral books are always helpful. Spotting fakes comes with experience too. Etsy is an open marketplace, always buy from reputable sellers. If you are refering to me mentioning Ebay, I didn’t actually say to look on there. I only link to one reputable seller I personally know and trust who also sells on eBay as well as a physical crystal shop, he gets his crystals from the Tuscon gem show not China.

    2. Nora

      From Refinery29’s “8 Crystal Shops To Browse When Your Collection Needs Expanding” SARA COUGHLIN
      LAST UPDATED NOVEMBER 14, 2018, 2:25 PM: Moonrise Crystals tells where crystals are coming from. The article was interesting. Hope this helps.

      1. BBB

        sorry Ethan, it was late at night when i wrote, you are right, it needs to be checked before published, couldn’t think of it, sorry again, thank you, hope we can get some feedback…best….B….(Ms. Bilge Oesch)

  12. Hassan

    Hi Ethan I have a few stones that look like meteorites but I do not know Is it the stone of your joy or not Do you tell me some details that I can benefit from

  13. Kookie Castellano

    Hi Ethan,
    I’ve been looking high and low for a black amethyst wand…if you have any suggestions or information please let me know. Thank you…i appreciate it a lot…
    Aloha from Hawaii

  14. Michael

    Hi Ethan

    Thanks so much for including a buyers guide. I was having trouble sourcing six tumbled celestite at a fair price.
    I eventually got a great deal on Soulful Crystals. Shipped to AU too!

    Thanks again!

  15. Yanuar Gumilar

    have you heard about Maesa Holistic Center in Indonesia? they dont really showing their collection but their recommend really good also in google as a holistic clinic. they use raw crystal healing that they gather themselves while doing field trips and retreat at the nature. if you ask they will show it you and give you knowledge too. I buy most my crystals from them since its cheaper and the owner really know why the crystal pick you (you will find out from the method of choosing what crystal you need that they do for you before you can purchase any – its pretty interesting method and they will explain why they have to do that.)

  16. Brandy Hamilton

    Hello… Thank you ethan for thus post! So as one other person mentioned above my favorite is
    And seriously Ethan if you haven’t checked her out yet YOU TOTALLY SHOULD;) metaphysical shop both online and in California and she has grown to over a million customers worldwide… Also if you look her YouTube channel up she talks about crystals ALOT- I love her.
    Aside from Athena at sage goddess I also go to etsy.
    I’ve had amazing experience with many stores there but in particular nina at naturezenlightenment
    Also shelly at shellsgemsanddreams
    And crystalcaverocks… I use these ones ALL the time the customer service is top notch as well as ALL the crystals! And now I will be checking out your shop as well thank you ethan

  17. AVERIL

    Hi Ethan,
    EMM GEMS In St Ives, Cornwall is a wonderful place to buy crystals and any thing spiritual. And Emma who the shop is named after is so lovely and very helpful.

  18. Steve Rose

    I have been buying crystals for protection, healing, personal assistance for decades. I’ve noticed prices have skyrocketed availability has gone down and quality has gone down. Also there are way more scam artists selling fake man made dyed glass as agate and mislabeled crystals than ever before (dyed quartz as amethyst). Large real amethyst cathedrals that used to cost $300 25 years ago, now sell for $5,000. Herkimer diamonds that used to sell for $10 now cost $200. Many of the rarer sources of high vibration crystals have dried up, such as ajoite from South Africa, and penfieldite from Chile. The big gem shows are still a source of some good finds, but even there the prices have astronomically skyrocketed. Some of the best other remaining sources are going straight to the mines. Some mines have free once a year open houses for rockhounds, some are commercially operated and you keep what you find for a daily digging price such as emeralds & azeztulite in NC, green quartz and selenite in AZ, herkimer diamonds in NY, etc. Online recently I’ve been satisfied with purchases from The Russian Stone, Carl’s Rocks and Minerals, and Jet International.

    1. Dorina

      Hello Steve Rose. I am looking for crystals to buy so I can open a store in my city. Do you know where i could find real and low price.? Please help
      Thank you very much

  19. Lorin

    Hi Ethan!
    I buy a lot of my crystals from based in California, USA. Athena does a fabulous job and she has a presence on instagram and youtube as well.

  20. Lisa Pento

    I buy from Star Gaze Crystals on Instagram. I believe they have a website as well. Kimmy does live sales and the Crystals can still call out to me through the live stream. The prices are great and so is the shipping. Check her out guys.

  21. Julia White

    Hi Ethan,
    I have been buying my crystals now for the last five years from a guy called Keith who has an online shop in the UK called KSC crystals.
    I cannot recommend him highly enough, he has always supplied me with the stock I have ordered, which is of the best quality and absolutely energetically clean.
    Keith Birch has a very discerning eye for the crystals he purchases for his online store.I am yet to be disappointed by any one item I have bought from here, they arrive exactly as I remember them ,very lovingly packed and in speedy time.
    As you say sometimes when I have bought elsewhere I had not received the piece of had ordered and have been unhappy with my purchase.
    Now I only buy from Keith, I always find what I am looking for as his selection is vast, occasionally when I can’t see it he tells me he has some that’s not on his website yet.
    So hope that helps you to where to go .
    Julia white

    1. Keith Birch

      Hi Julia
      Many thanks for the positive comments, it has always been a pleasure finding new crystals for you.

      I’m sure your collection is looking fantastic.

      Regards Keith


  22. Tricha

    Hi Ethan,

    This is a wonderful and very helpful list which I have browsed through in detail. Thanks to you I have discovered milehiconsciousness which has amazing crystals, soulfulcrystals which has a wide variety of stones at really affordable prices and Lavish Earth with esquisite crystals.

    Since you shared this list with us, your readers, I would like to reciprocate and share some with you as well.

    I used to use a lot. They’re based in London and have a wonderful collection of crystals and bracelets. The crystals have a country of origin on display which is something that I love, as crystals are living beings and they have a history as much as we do. For me, to know where a crystal has come from is to connect with its essence at a deeper level.

    Then I developed an emotional need to shift from tumble stones to raw as I felt that they would share their sense of self with me and their energy in its pure natural state and I wasn’t wrong. I browsed through Etsy and online and I found a few stores where I have bought raw crystals from that I wanted to share with you:
    (They specialize in Namibian Crystals and African Crystals in general. I love their store.. The crystals are beautiful and have a really high quality).
    (They are based in South Africa and have a stunning collection of unique crystals not just from Africa but also from around the world).
    (This store is based in Colorado and offers a variety of crystals. It’s a good store).

    I also wanted to mention another store to you which I love:
    (The store is based in Australia and it has incredible crystals. Really incredible).

    Finally here are two Ebay stores which I also really like:

    Thank you so much once again for this wonderful post. Without it I might not have been able to discover other stores with wonderful crystals that appeal to me at all levels!

  23. Mona

    Hey friends, everyone have given suggestions of buying crystals around the world. Does anyone know from where should I buy crystals in India. I have recently taken a liking to the study of crystals n have very few with me. Please help. Thanks

  24. Hazel

    I’ve previously always bought in stores, but recently gave Etsy a try.

    I found DejanyooCrystals and love them! They have loads of wands & eggs and I love when they get the animal shaped crystals – they make amazing feature pieces which people always ask me about.

    They are based in the UK but ship internationally.

    Will absolutely give some of these other sites mentioned a try 🙂

  25. Ronnie Hesson is a good place to buy from. Occasionally I will get something I’m not satisfied with. I ordered some 3 inch cut agate and the pieces I got were sad little things. There are actual friendly human beings you can call and talk to to resolve any problems. I highly recommend checking out there

  26. Jennifer G

    There are a bunch of places to buy stones in bulk on Amazon. Do you have any suggestions on which would the best variety for like 2 lbs of medium sized?
    Do you know of any other sites where you can buy many different stones in bulk?

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      I don’t like to buy crystals on Amazon as they rarely have good photos and I have heard mixed things from people who have. You can get crystals in bulk from Etsy, it is cheaper on Ebay but be careful who you buy from and what you’re buying. Otherwise visit a gem show and talk to the sellers.

      1. Cherry

        I buy quite a number of crystals from Silver Moon Crystals. It’s run by a lovely retired couple from Southport. Their photos are excellent, always clear, properly lit, and from several different angles; they always respond to emails even if I haven’t purchased anything; the crystals I’ve bought have always arrived in no more than three days; and having communicated a great deal with them, I can tell you they are definitely “crystal-wise” people who take pains to make sure your purchase will arrive with you in the same condition it left them in. Each of their specimens is unique; they list each piece as a separate item, whether on Amazon UK or their own site, They definitely know their stuff.

        I also buy from CrystalAge. This seller does more mass production pieces (tumblestones etc), but there are two reasons I keep going back to them: their prices are reasonable, and they’re very accomodating if you make a request with regard to your purchase. For example, when I bought an Aqua Fluorite from them, I asked for a piece with a good balance of green and blue colouration. What I received, was even better than I’d hoped.

        For crystal jewellery, Angeleesa Designs are good. Imagine getting a Larimar pendant for under £10. Impossible? Well I did, from Angeleesa. To be fair, a lot of their lower price jewellery is silver plated, but if that doesn’t bother you, then you can get some remarkable bargains.

        I’ve also had great service from GeoFossils and The Gem Tree.

        Love and Light.

        1. Cherry

          Away from Amazon, I know that Serendipity Crystals is a good site; Krissy, who runs it, is a whisperer and Healer. Her prices are superb; she has crystals starting from £3, stocks a number of the more unusual types, is usually swift to reply to emails (though lately she’s been exceptionally busy), and I have never seen faceted Sapphire jewellery as cheap as she sells it (unless of course the stones are lab-grown).

          I don’t know many Stateside sites,
          but I know that have a huge range with very good prices; however shipping outside the States is so expensive as to be impractical ($3.50 crystal, $15 shipping), so I haven’t bought from them thus far. However they have numerous helpful free resources for any crystal user, so even if you don’t purchase it’s worth signing up for their newsletter.

          Love and Light.

  27. Kelly

    Hi Ethan, thanks for this helpful article. I really appreciated the article you wrote about real citrine versus baked citrine as well. I always preferred the ones that are a darker yellow or amber but I’ve since re-evaluated that preference.

    I am a totally blind woman and I buy crystals in person when I can, but sometimes I find on-line stores with good crystals that have better prices. I did a google search looking for other on-line crystal buying options when I stumbled upon this article. Thank you for all the information from both you and people who have commented. I’m happy for those who can see the photos on Crystal River Gems website, at least you know what you’re getting.

  28. Paul Watson

    My wife is an avid fan and user of crystals – I mean they are everywhere in our house (I have three on my desk right now). I mean she even had a crystal advent calendar at Christmas time – I actually git excited with her each morning to see what she got.

    Her Dad bought her some for Christmas and as soon as we opened them you could tell they were ‘off’ – I asked him later where he git them and he was so proud of himself that he got them on EBay for cheap – I won’t mention the country but it is well known for fake items.

    I guess I just wanted to add here that, like many other items in this realm, that if it is really cheap, then it is probably not the best place to buy your crystals from..

    Thanks for the article – we have experienced a few of those things ourselves so it is great to see it all in one place.


  29. Deirdre

    Hi Ethan-

    I have found that Erathan Emptor on Etsy is a wonderful shop. They are out of Pueblo, Colorado here in the U.S. The shop owner is wonderfully responsive. I always get a little something extra when she ships to me. Prices are reasonable and the pictures do the crystals justice. More often I find the crystal looks even better in person than in the picture.

  30. Lyleyla

    I live in a small town in the “Bible Belt” & unless I’m traveling to Dallas or Houston, buying authentic crystals in person just isn’t convenient. Obviously, I’d prefer to physically hold/feel a stone & explore our connection before purchasing. However, for me that isn’t always an option. After research/personal experiences I’ve found a few Etsy shops that are my absolute go-to for buying my crystal babies! They’re ones I use very often & have never had a less than awesome experience. Every stone I’ve received from these has been beautiful w/super strong vibes! I’ve come to share really powerful connections w/these shops, their owners, & especially the crystals.
    •Infinite Spiral (Lauren is so helpful & sweet! She carries some of the harder to find pieces, really great quality! Incredible vibes on literally every item I’ve received!)
    •Silver Post (Sarah fast shipping, so helpful, quality items)
    •Shell Dreams & Gems (Shell…I just recently found this shop & it has quickly jumped to my top 3 shop! Still very new to me, but she has incredible stones with amazing vibrations & well just check out the reviews! I will absolutely be buying from her more & more!)
    These are just my personal favs that I KNOW have beautiful, authentic, high quality crystals! With great customer service & lighting fast shipping as a bonus! All 3 are in the USA!

  31. Cherry

    I’ve also got a good crystal shop less than a quarter of a mile from my place. This one comes with my highest personal recommendation for a physical, walk-in crystal shop.

    Magnetic Earth Studios is run by the lovely Jacky, and is located in Heartlands, at the site of the historic tin mine, South Crofty, near Camborne, Cornwall. It’s quite tucked away, but well worth a visit if you’re in the area at any time. Jacky is a great host, knows loads about crystals, doesn’t mind taking time to discuss energy shifts and such, and keeps the energy in her shop wonderfully pure; it’s a genuinely relaxing place to be. Honestly, the crystals I’ve bought from her have barely needed cleansing, although I do it as a matter of course because you never know who’s handled them before you. She has no problem with people paying in installments, will try her best to source even the most unusual crystals on request, and she also has a website,, where she sells jewellery, pendulums, accessories and her own artwork (which is beautiful) in the form of greetings cards etc. She’s also on instagram, but since I’m not, your best bet if you want to access her instagram page is to follow the link above to her website and then look towards the bottom of the page for the button which will take you there.

    1. Cherry

      Update: Magnetic Earth Studios’ physical shop will, more than just a little sadly, be closing some time around the end of September 2024. The business will then go fully online, so the URL I posted above should (hopefully) be fine for some time to come.

  32. Kaylee

    I am looking to sell my personal collection, so I am looking for advice not where to buy but where to sell to people that will appreciate and cherish the pieces. If you can help I’d kindly appreciate it .

  33. Kristina

    Hi Ethan,

    I love your website and books. So full of great information. Thank you!

    I am thinking about opening an online crystal shop. I have already bought a very small selection of stones. I buy from a reputable wholesaler who only buys from sustainable miners in Brazil. You say to buy from reputable online sellers with a large range of crystals, many reviews and social media presence. How can someone like me break through and become a reputable, go-to store, too? I don’t use Facebook nor Insta (boycotted). Etsy has a large amount of crystal sellers with already great reviews and many sales. How do suggest I stand out as a starting business? What would you look for in a small shop if you were to buy from one?

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      Congrats on your crystal business. Although I do recommend buying from someone with a good selection of crystals, it does not have to be large. This includes many small crystal businesses mentioned above. Everyone starts with no reviews, it takes time to build any business and reputation. I buy from smaller sellers but I am looking out for the things like good clear photos and descriptions.

      Perhaps you could launch with a deal, offer discount codes or give buyers a free tumbled stone or something to encourage them to come back.

  34. Cherry

    I’ve also dealt with and been very happy with Pretty Little Healing Crystals and Shaman Crystals, both UK based. The first of these was a really impressive transaction, though the dispatch email went astray (it happens): I ordered 6 tumblestones, and the prices were excellent, the most expensive £3.99. They were huge, way bigger and better quality than I hoped for. The smallest was 2.5cm, the others approaching 4.5cm! I had a problem paying for the Shaman’s Crystal purchase and had to ask the gentleman to call me, but ended up talking crystals with him for about 40 minutes. The crystals were lovely, great quality and energy.

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