Do you have to charge a crystal grid every day? Does it need to be charged daily for it to keep working? I share my take on this interesting topic…
I started making crystal grids well over 10 years ago, it is one of my favourite ways to work with crystals. In 2017 I published a book about making crystal grids titled Crystal Grids Power. I am very grateful for how well received the book has been by the crystal community.

Answering Your Questions
Over the years I have received many questions about crystal grids. Within the last year, I have been getting asked a lot about ‘charging’ crystal grids and if this needs to be done daily? Some are being told that the grid won’t work for longer than 24 hours and that they need to charge a crystal grid or reactivate it every day…
Before I go on I do want to make something clear to you. There are different systems and ways to work with crystal grids, so this is just my perspective. I can though tell you, this is not just a theory or my opinion. It’s based on my real-world experience successfully working with crystal grids over many years.

Where Is This Coming From?
I actually have no idea where the origin of this information is coming from. It may be one person or more, a crystal healer, website, youtube video, teacher or from a book. It does not really matter to me personally who is teaching this. I do find it interesting that nobody was saying this a few years ago.

Do I Need To Charge A Crystal Grid?
I have already shared my take on charging crystals in another blog post. Charging can mean different things to different people. Once you have made and activated your crystal grid with a clear intention, it is now working towards your purpose or goal.
I believe crystals have their own energy (like you do) and they are tapped into the abundant energy of the Earth. Along with the sacred geometry they are formed with, crystal grids are plugged into the limitless and powerful energy field of the Universe.

I personally don’t charge (or recharge) my crystal grids and certainly not daily. I’ve never taught this method and I don’t think it is necessary. My crystal grids have always worked for me, they don’t run out of energy after 24 hours or switch off unless I deactivate them.
What About Reactivating A Crystal Grid?
As I mentioned earlier after you activate your crystal grid, the intention has been set and it’s working. I do not reactivate my crystal grids daily, weekly or monthly either. The only reasons I would reactivate a crystal grid is because I made changes to the grid later, like adding new crystals or replacing a stone for example.
Another reason you might want to reactivate your crystal grid is because you revised and made changes to your intention and the intention statement.
You might also decide to reactivate a crystal grid because you have not had much success with it. You may have lacked mental clarity and focus the first time you activated it.

Working With Your Crystal Grid
You should, of course, maintain your grids by keeping them physically clean and energetically cleansing them from time to time.
I don’t see crystal grids as set-it-and-forget-it either. You must work with your crystal grids by taking real– world action towards your intention whenever possible. Your mind, body and spirit should be aligned if you are manifesting anything.

Love this post! I do have a question…is the pyramid used to cleanse only? If so, how long do you leave it over the grid? Can I leave a pyramid ove my grid permanently (or as long as I keep the grid active)? Thank you for all your posts. I’ve learned so much from you
Hi, Ive covered these questions in detail in my book and in the following blog posts Cleansing Crystals With a Copper Pyramid and Should You Cleanse a Crystal Grid?.
Thanks for this Ethan. I have had a grid in place for nearly 2 months so had begun wondering if I needed to recharge though in back of my mind I didn’t think you have to. It’s done what I asked it to do so will be coming down soon. Thank-you universe!
Ethan, I absolutely love the grid background that has the cosmos. Would you mind sharing where you purchased it? Love the grids you show. They are beautiful! Thank you for all the info and knowledge you share!!!
It was a gift but the maker is from
Thank you so much. I always look forward to read your guide for the current month. November Guide sounds pretty magical, as the time of the year we are entering right now. I appreciate all very valuable tips you are giving us. I’m so glad you’ve mention Mercury retrograde in the Scorpio, it will trine mine in Cancer. Lately I haven’t pay much attention to some stuff, I’m still recovering from pretty recent departure of my husband to the afterlife. Never the less, I appreciate all of the beauty and dear people in my life:).
I hope, everyone who is interested in the Mineral Kingdom, will be able to invest in your 3 books, it was the best investment in books about crystals and the way they can empower you for myself!
Crystals are my favorite and these contain the healing properties too. I personally love them a lot.
Thank you so much sharing such a wonderful information and knowledge about crystals.
I would like to know about crystals related to chakras. I am into healing. And i have noticed that most of the time people have imbalance chakras..have depression. No job, lot of insecurity, emotinal issues. Which crystal i can suggest them as per chakras for better results. Thanks
Hi, Ethan. I just researched Copper Charging Pyramids and really want a copper Sri Yantra. Can you get one for me in US Dollars? It seems like it might be easier to go w/you. If you can help me out, I trust you to pick out something that I would like other than go w/ someone who is dealing w/Erous.
If you mean a Meru Pyramid, it’s is a European product but can be sold anywhere. I have linked to their website plus a UK supplier in my blog post on Copper Pyramids. I don’t live in the US myself, you should be able to search online for local sellers or ask the makers for US sellers.