Explore crystals for anger and frustration. Try any of these five crystals to calm anger and soothe during stressful times and frustrating interactions. Get your cool back…

Explore crystals for anger and frustration. Try any of these five crystals to calm anger and soothe during stressful times and frustrating interactions. Get your cool back…
Crystals for tough times and times of crisis. Build inner strength, courage and calm in the face of challenges, stress and difficult times…
Crystals for fear, worry and anxiety in challenging and uncertain times. Allow these calming crystals and relaxation exercises help you release fear, let go of worry, and reduce stress, panic and anxiety. At the time of writing this, we are experiencing a global pandemic caused by the spread of the…
Crystals for peace and calm could help you better handle stress or life challenges. Discover seven calming crystals to assist you in inviting more peaceful energy and tranquillity into your life or home. Working With Crystals For Peace and Calm I’ve put together a selection of seven of my favourite…
Mercury Retrograde can be a whole lot easier with these crystals to support you. Discover 9 crystals to survive Mercury Retrograde whenever it hits. Also learn what exactly Mercury Retrograde is and my tips for what you can do during this time. What exactly is Mercury Retrograde? Just when…
Use these calming crystals for anxiety, to calm your mind, stay centred and bring back your chill. Chase away worries and help reduce anxiety with these eight soothing crystals. Anxiety is something we all feel from time to time, it’s actually very common. As with all issues like this especially…