Learn how to use and work with a planetary healing crystal grid. Activate these powerful crystal grids to help bring healing, peace, spiritual support, balance, clear negative energy and anchor the best possible outcome for the planet.
How You Can Help
In times of crisis, especially where it concerns the whole planet, the spiritual community has always used global meditations. This should never replace real-world action like doing what we can physically to help, raising awareness, donating time, needed items or money. However, meditations, prayers, sending healing energy and cleansing negativity is a spiritual way to help.
Calling All Crystal Grid Workers!
You can use the power of crystal grids to assist the planet, people and animals in need. Along with your intentions, this spiritual technology helps send positive energy, light and healing to where it is needed most.
Working with sacred geometry we can tap into higher vibration energy and easily plug into the energy grid (ley lines) of the planet.
Unlike a meditation, once a crystal grid is activated it continues to work without your conscious effort for as long as you need it to. Crystal grids can amplify your intentions and assist you in all the work you’re already doing to help.
In addition, being a physical tool, they anchor spiritual energy and help it to manifest. These are just some of the reasons why I love working with crystal grids!
Working With Your Crystal Grid
Once you have set up your planetary healing crystal grid you can, of course, meditate with it. If you want you could use it as a focus of your meditations or spiritual work, similar to a mandala. This can be when you first activate it or whenever you wish to send additional healing to the Earth. This is your spiritual practice, in other words, your rules.
Planetary Healing Crystal Grid
There are many different crystal grids that you could use, however, if you’re more experienced you may prefer to make you own. I have many crystal grids in my book Crystal Grids Power and on this website you could use.
Many of you have asked me what to use so here are a few recommendations for you, please see below. You can just use which one you feel most guided to.
This planetary healing crystal grid was specifically designed for this purpose. It helps cleanse, heal, protect, bring comfort and restore natural balance to an area or the whole planet.
This crystal grid was first published in Crystal Grids Power. If you don’t have my book you can find full instructions and the free printable template at the link below…
Crystal Grid To Heal The Earth
This is a general healing crystal grid that was designed to send healing energy to a person, animal or group of people. In addition, it can also be adapted to heal the Earth. This crystal grid is very powerful and I get a lot of positive feedback from readers who have used it.
It can be found in the more advanced crystal grids chapter of Crystal Grids Power. However, if you don’t have the book just use the simple healing grid below.
This is a really simple general healing crystal grid that uses the Flower of Life and only seven crystals of two types. In addition, you can add more if you want (see my blog post). Likewise, it can be adapted to suit healing the Earth.
This simple grid was also published in Crystal Grids Power, but if you don’t have my book you can also find it along with a free printable template at the link below…
I need you sale your new book. Thank you!
Thank you Ethan. You are an amazing person on the top of being a great author! The Healing and Compassion needs to be spread globally. Thank you! Stay well!
Thank you for your kindness and positive thoughts Ethan!
Dear Ethan I’d appreciate, if I could post it here, Thank you. If anyone would want to join joined our 21-Day United Through Healing Hands https://reikirays.com/thank-you/ https://reikirays.com/event-resources.html
Just set up my crystal grid for healing & loving the planet. I felt super light and happy when completed.
Yay! 😀
Great! Thanks for sharing this