Ethan Lazzerini

Crystal Grid For Success in Business, Work and Career

Crystal Grid For Success in Business, Work and Career

Crystal Grid For Success in Business, Work and Career

Use this crystal grid for success and prosperity for business, work, career or launching any new project. Gain the determination and self-confidence to make your goal manifest and break through any obstacles to success in your life.

Crystals for Success

There are a few crystals that can support you to achieve success. A crystal grid further amplifies your intention and brings the power and support of Sacred Geometry. You can make this grid at any time but it is a good idea to make it when you launch something new.

“As with all forms of manifesting, crystal grids do require you keep a positive mindset and that you do the work”.

Sacred Geometry Meaning:

This grid uses the symbol of the Triangle for manifesting and creativity. The Octagram (eight-pointed star) is for success and determination. The Circle brings focus and commitment. For more info on the deeper meanings and history of different Sacred Geometry shapes and symbols please check out my bestselling book Crystal Grids Power.
Crystal grid for success

Crystal grid for success: pin to Pinterest

What You Will Need:

1 Medium to Large Tiger’s Eye* (for success & self-confidence)
8 Mahogany Obsidian Tumble Stones** (overcome obstacles)
3 Pyrite Tumble Stones*** or other forms (success & prosperity)
* This crystal can be substituted with Clear Quartz or Citrine.
** These can be substituted for Bronzite or Red/Orange/Brown Aragonite.
***These can be substituted Green Jade, Yellow Jade or Citrine (if not used already)
Crystal grids book by ethan lazzerini

For an in-depth but easy to understand guide, check out my book (Click pic for more info)

Simple Crystal Grid Activation

If you already know how to activate a Crystal Grid, feel free to use your prefered method. Otherwise, to keep things nice and easy, I am going to show you a really simple method to activate the grid which does not use an Activation Wand. Activation programs or charges the crystals with your intention, so they can begin to do their work for you.
Before you begin, write on a small piece of paper a positive affirmation or statement of your intention. This could be something like “My ……………… is successful and prosperous”.

How To Activate Your Crystal Grid For Success:

1. Hold all your cleansed crystals and the note in your hands (or work in batches).
2. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.
3. Raise your crystals up in front of your Third Eye Chakra (brow area).
4. Focus on your desired result, use visualisation and emotion. Say to yourself or out loud a statement of your intention like “I program this Crystal Grid for success with ………………. if that be for my highest and greatest good and the highest and greatest good of all.”
5. Lastly arrange your crystals into position (see below).
Place your crystals into position

Place your crystals into position

Setting Up Your Grid For Success

Now that your crystals are programmed and charged with your intention, all you have to do is arrange them. Use a flat surface that will not be easily disturbed. Please see the diagram above.
(1) The Tiger’s Eye crystal goes into the centre, on top of your folded note.
(2) Then the eight Mahogany Obsidian Tumble Stones can be placed around it, in a circle.
(3) Lastly, the three Pyrites create the outer triangle.
The finished crystal grid for success

The finished crystal grid for success. I used a Tiger’s Eye standing Crystal Point and Pyrite Pyramids for mine.

Remember to cleanse and deactivate your grid before using the crystals for anything else. See my article on Deactivating Your Crystal Grid for more info.


Get some inspirational spiritual guidance about your career, business and money in my motivating and uplifting pick-card-reading video below: Which door will you choose?

Do you have a question about this crystal grid for success? You can post them in the comments below (Please keep any questions you have on topic if you want a response).
With gratitude,
P.S. If you know anyone who may be interested in this article please share it with one of the sharing buttons at the end or side of this post.
Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini


Crystal Grids Power Book

48 thoughts on “Crystal Grid For Success in Business, Work and Career

  1. Ruchi

    Hi. I wanted to make this grid but I live in India and I am not finding Mahogany Obsidian . Can I substitute it for something else . Thank you so much .

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      I recommend Bronzite as a substitute in Crystal Grids Power. I would consider purchasing crystals online, such as Etsy if you are having trouble. You can also replace them with Clear Quartz as a last resort and if not already used in the grid.

  2. Carmel

    I love my Crystal Grids Power book and I’m waiting for the next one from Amazon Crystal Healing For The Chakras.I am sure I will love this book also

  3. Carol

    How far out does the energy go from these crystal grids to have them work for you .which is something that you have not said anything about in of the crystal grids that you have made.Thanks Carol

  4. Sharon

    Hi may I use other crystals as I don’t have many of the same, so can I use a lot of different crystals for the purpose of manifestation?

  5. Caren


    Do I need a printed grid to lay the crystals on, or will it be equally effective to lay them in the various patterns without a print underneath.

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      Most of the time you do not need a printed template (unless you want to or find it easier), that’s why this grid shows how it looks with no printout. The crystals create the shapes here. If the grid uses a symbol like the Flower of Life then you would really need a template or base.

  6. Sanjita

    Hi Ethan!
    I wanted to use the elements of this grid with sacred geometry that it’ creates in a logo form for my new venture. While I was working upon your grid as the base, lot of geometry started popping into it, along with Feng Shui and the three pyramids having their own significance .. that again when joined forming a triangle, my mind works multidimensionally.
    Now, I’m somewhat stuck up, rather confused with colors since I can’t be using crystals so I’m looking for suggestions, as lot of color schemes brainstorming my awareness.
    What do you suggest?
    Thanks !

  7. Gemma

    I’m really loving all of your insights! I want to set this grid up as soon as possible because I have already started my business journey, a month in.
    I know I do not have these same crystals, is the grid or the crystals themselves the more positive force for new business venture success? Would I be able to substitute with my own crystals if they feel right? Or is there better power at play if I wait to accumulate tigers eye, tumbled obsidian and pyrite?

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      Both the grid design and the properties of the crystals are what makes the grid work. You could substitute crystals but they need to have similar properties. This is my recipe if you like, so once it is changed a lot, it becomes something else. I do include substitute stones for all the grids in my book. I have added my recommended substitute crystals for those who are having trouble finding some stones. See updated article and good luck with the business 🙂

  8. Nirupam

    hi i have launched a new product, sample sent to company for trial, but yet to receive any responce from them will that grid can help?

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      You could try it and customise the wording but to be honest it may not be helpful as that is very specific. Sometimes trying to control how your success will manifest can block it.

  9. claudia

    Hi, it’s necesary that the central crystal is a point of cristal or do i will can use a sphere to tiger eye?. Excuse me but my english is not very well, You can recommended me any crystal for learning other language. Thanks.

  10. Svetlana

    Hello Ethan,

    Thanks so much for your book and advice!

    I am having the same problems as many other people here — mahogany obsidian and bronzite are unavailable, or the right shapes and/or sizes are not available.

    From what I read on your site and in the book about the success grid, mahogany obsidian can be replaced with bronzite (unavailable), Red/Orange Aragonite, or clear quartz.

    My question: Clear Quartz — crystals or tumbled stones?

    Red/Orange Aragonite is available as small natural an untreated samples/clusters.

    Pyrite is also available as small natural untreated samples/clusters.

    Mahogany obsidian is available as more expensive shapes — small pyramids, eggs, and spheres.

    Which would be my best choice? I really want to help this young man.

    Also, I’d like to understand why the success grid doesn’t incorporate clear quartz crystals as outer support stones. Wouldn’t having 8 clear quartz crystals around the 8 mahogany stones make the grid more powerful?

    Thanks again for your wonderful info!

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      Hi, my grids are a guide and can be customised or altered depending on what you feel is best or what is available to you. If I search Etsy for Mahogany Obsidian Tumble it shows me 70 sellers who sell these all around the world. Hundreds of Pyrite tumbles are available there but raw can be used too. I can see both tumble stones and mini clusters of Aragonite on Etsy too. If you do not wish to purchase crystals online your options will be greatly limited, it’s your choice.

      You can use either points or tumble stones if you substitute any crystal with clear Quartz. Not all grids have to use Quartz, I do often but not always and it depends on what I felt was needed. You can always add Quartz crystals to the grid like you said and it will help but I dont want people to think it needs to have those. I am trying to keep things simple and not too big with my grids. Good luck!

  11. Steven

    Hi Ethan.
    Since I’m totally new to crystals healing and grid, etc…I find your website quite informative and helpful.
    I went to a local crystal shops and got few stones. Without much knowledge (even before getting to know of your blog), I got a small pointy standing Citrine quartz, 3 x Ametryn, 3 x Lapis Lazuli, 1 x tiger’s eye, 1 x Lemurian seed quartz, 1 x rose quartz heart cut and 1 amethyst heart. They are all small in size that I can hold each of them in my folded fist. My intention is to make a grid for my business (relatively new) with financial success. So, without much knowledge in crystal grid, I placed a paper with my written intention and placed the Citrine quarts on the center. And I placed 3 ametryns and 3 lapis lazuli surrounding the citrine alternatively. Is this a good idea? Or would you suggest get 8 of other stones to surround the citrine and get 3 pyrites?

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      It might work for you, I cant really comment on your intuitive choice of stones or grid as it is your creation. I only work with, create and teach Intention-based crystal grids. The geometric shape, number of stones, shapes and the crystals I select all have properties and meanings that support my goal and intention. Intuition helps me decide between similar energy stones, placement and geometry. Others may work different to me. Like making a cake, I think the best way is to follow a recipe or at least base things off a recipe, especially if someone is new. This is just my recommended grid recipe, there are many others out there.

  12. FLAVIA

    Is it ok to use this grid to make a logo for my new business? I would respect the stone colors to each number mentioned and thought about writing the name of the business in the middle.
    I would appreciate your comments! Gratitude!

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      I think the grid itself is already covered by copyright in the book but you can use the shape of a triangle with the star in the middle to create your own logo as long as it does not use my illustrations here or in my book.

  13. GK

    Hi Ethan, i enjoy all your blogs and writes,thankyou for sharing your knowledge with the world.i want to take my spiritual work to the next level with success &financial abundance.could you please suggest any crystals that can help me overcome obstacles other than mahogany obsidian or arganite.A response is highly appreciated!
    Stay blessed

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      Hi GK, I have found it is a pretty rare quality in crystals, most books do not even list any crystals for overcoming obstacles. The crystals I recommend in Crystal Grids Power are the ones I have used successfully. You can try working with Selenite as it is a deep cleanser, I have been told Phantom Quartz Crystals are also good for this.

  14. GK

    Ethan,really appreciate your response! Thankyou, i shall try using selenite and phantom quartz which i do have .once again thankyou and angel Blessings !

  15. Mandy

    Hi Ethan,

    Love your page and all the posts! Thank you so much for the information. I want to create a borromean ring crystal grid to assist myself and my business partners in our company / success. When activating the crystal grid, do my partners all have to be there? How do we know where to keep the crystal grid? We don’t have a main office and each typically work out of our homes. Should we use only one crystal grid or should each of us have one but with the same stones and placement?

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      No, they don’t have to be there and they don’t need to have their own grids. You can program a grid with the intention for your whole business and any named partners if you wish. Grids don’t need to be in the place of business to work but they can be if possible. Keep it away from clutter and electrical devices.

  16. Deepika

    hello . i have made one crystal grid for success.i have kept it in a place where it can not get disturbed.
    now what will be the daily rituals with that crystal grid? is it necessary to make any rituals for it? or any meditation for it

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      Hi, I believe the crystal grid will still work if maintained and cleansed. Although doing things like mantras, meditation or affirmations will enhance your grid and help focus your mind. How and what you do though is personal and depends on you. Good luck!

  17. Kate

    Hi Ethan,
    Thank you for all this amazing info! If I wanted to use sacred geometry with this grid, which one would you recommend would be the best fit?
    Thanks so much!!

  18. Dipali

    Hi. Whenever we create a grid we need to keep it somewhere it is not disturbed, then how do we clean that place as it will accumulate dust, if we are not to touch or disturb it?
    Also is it compulsory to draw the grid template and cut it out and then place the stones on them?

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      There’s nothing wrong with moving the crystals to clean them, its a matter of minutes and they go back into place. You don’t want the grid in a place where it is constantly being knocked or moved by others or pets, it’s not practical that’s all. No, it’s not compulsory to use a printed or drawn grid template (my photo shows the grid without one) but it makes it much easier to arrange the crystals.

  19. Angie

    Hi Ethan, thanks for your info.

    I’m planning to use a Metatron’s Cube,
    can I change to 6 Mahogany Obsidian Tumble Stones instead of 8 as there are only 6 circles.

    Also, I can I use Pyrite tumble stone or cluster instead of pyramid shape?

  20. Debamitra

    Hi Ethan,
    Will this grid work for only new business or I can use this for an existing business also? Like if I feel stuck or doesn’t get desired success from my existing business. Also can I use an extra circle outside the triangle and place 9 crystals for throat chakra to enhance communication?

  21. Joanna Czubak

    Hi Ethan,
    Can I use 3 different shapes of pyrite? (I’ve got one cluster, one cube and one pyrite-sun). Or do I need to purchase 3 in a similar shape?

    1. Ethan Lazzerini Post author

      Normally I would recommend you use similar shapes, its also much easier to arrange when crystals are similar shapes and sizes. However, you could do this if you want and it should still work.

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