Why do crystal grids use multiple crystals of the same type? What do groups of the same stone actually do? Can you not just use all different types of crystals instead?
Since blogging about crystal grids and publishing Crystal Grids Power back in 2017, I get a lot of questions about grids. One of the ones I am often asked is why my crystal grids use multiple crystals of the same type?
For example, take a look at my crystal grid below, it uses various numbers of the same type of crystal. Around the central stone, you will see six Blue Kyanite blades, six Rhodonite tumbles etc.

Why Do Some Crystal Grids Use Multiple Crystals?
There are two main parts to this answer but I personally like to work with multiple crystals because of the power that they hold. Crystal grids are different from wearing a crystal or placing one on your body. You are working with the energy of sacred geometry (or symbols) and numerology.

The Power of Numbers
A big part of what makes the shapes and patterns within sacred geometry is numbers. Numbers are a type of energy you can tap into in crystal gridding. For example, one carries the energy of unity, beginnings and focus for example (central stone). Two can symbolise balance and partnerships and so on.
Combining the properties of your crystal with the power of numerology is a game-changer. Imagine the effect of a protective crystal, like Black Tourmaline in a multiple of four (boundaries, strength). This is why I LOVE working with crystal grids!

Your Intentions Multiplied
Another reason crystals grids use multiple crystals is the power of multiplication. It adds more energy, just as a group of people will find it easier to make a change in the world than one. This is teamwork in the crystal kingdom.
Another way to think of this is like affirmations or mantras. You can’t just say it once and expect it to change your life? It’s the repetition of the intention/word that gives it power. Groups of crystals multiply the energy and also create more of an impact.
More Mass, More Impact
Multiple crystals also add more mass. Six Amethyst tumbled stones have the same effect as a large Amethyst crystal point. It just has more oomph! However, that doesn’t mean you need hundreds of crystals either. We are working with geometry and numerology. These are metaphysical enhancers and activators.

Can’t I just Use Lots of Different Individual Crystals?
The types of crystals in your crystal grid all play a role and add their properties to your grid. Like ingredients in a recipe, everything is intentional. I wouldn’t add cocoa powder to my bread just because I have some or I don’t have any yeast.
A crystal grid for prosperity might use four or five types of crystals. It doesn’t need 15 different types of crystals to do the job. Can you think of that many abundance stones? That’s a lot going on too.

Like making a recipe, there are different parts that create the whole. It’s not random or based on what you happen to have on hand. When I make a grid, it will often mean I have to get some new crystals. Crystals that I will be able to keep using in future crystal grids and for personal use. My grids include substitutes for most crystals, which makes things easier for you.

It’s Part Of Your Crystal Journey
Finding the right stones for my grids is all part of the process. If you have a connection to crystals, this shouldn’t feel like something you want to avoid. If money is the problem, I completely understand. There are other more inexpensive ways to work with single crystals.
The nature of crystal grids is they do require a few crystals, it’s like alchemy. As you can see, my crystal grids combine crystal energy with sacred geometry and numerology. If you want to know EVERYTHING to get started and create crystal grids then please check out my book Crystal Grids Power. It contains 34 ready-made crystal grids and printable templates.

Do you have a question or comment? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).
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With gratitude,
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Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – The text and photos should not be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini. You can share links to it but don’t copy!
Perhaps one of your most important points is about Sacred Geometry, the underpinning of Reality.
Your templates are not just spots on paper with names of crystals next to them. They are powerful symbols supporting various attributes of Creation.
Like the patterns within the crystalline structures, they are projections of multidimensional patterns of Divine Energy. They are organizations of Consciousness out of which all consciousness and form arises.
The molecular patterns within a crystal are all expressions of the consciousness patterns of Sacred Geometry. The two are linked. And, together, form a blinding-Light transformational energy.
The symmetry of Sacred Geometry patterns combines with the symmetry of the selection of crystals (and their internal crystalline, molecular patterns) to form a powerful synergy.
The primary problem I find with grids – unless that grid can be constructed solely out of one of the Quartzes – is that a number of my crystals, which would potentially be good in a grid, seem to be “only children”, even going as far as to protest if I look for another one the same. I find this a little odd, to be honest, but it could possibly be handled by using crystals with very similar energies, e.g substituting Rose Quartz for Morganite, Pink Petalite or Kunzite.
The other problems I have with gridding are even trickier to surmount; namely, not much space, and a husband who will move stuff he thinks is unaesthetic or inconvenient to him, no matter its purpose or whether I’ve told him to leave it alone, and who is entirely ignorant of sacred geometry and energy flow. He doesn’t even like me having my most important crystals around me, or wearing a lot of them (he says it makes me look like a traveller, which is stereotyping gone too far).
What I really need are two grids, one for banishing and one for Menopause.
Oh, a quick question (though I may have asked you this before, and if so I apologise for the repeat): assuming they’ve been cleansed and programmed, can pieces of crystal/gem jewellery (pendant without chain) be used in a grid? For example, if I needed half a dozen Emeralds in a grid, at least two would end up being pendants, as I only have four loose ones (three facets and a raw natural crystal). And come to think of it, would it work to mix tumbled, raw and faceted/shaped crystals of the same species?
Love and Light.
Well I think you can make do with what you have and if that means mixing tumbles with rough or pendants then it will still work. It is tricky to place crystals on a grid if they are varied in size though. I am trying to create balance so I prefer to use tumbled stones of similar sizes. These are also the most affordable form for me.
I am realy careful with the type of stone used in my grids if it is multiples. Few people would have 6 kunzite or be able to spend so much so I would go for good old Rose Quartz. I try to stick to more common stones and keep an eye on the market for price and rarity considerations (though its always changing).
I had a grid up at my house but then I moved and had to take it apart. I’m wondering if it still works now that I had to set it up again. Should I re-program my grid?
Hi Giuliana, please see my blog post about this question: Can I Move My Crystal Grid?
Thank you for taking the time to write this. I am only beginning to learn about numerology and hadn’t thought about it in relation to crystal grids. I often work with sets of 4 crystals as I believe that represents a connection to the angelic realm. What does the number 4 mean to you?
Numbers have many meanings. Four can connect with angels and angelic protection. It also can mean grounding, protection, and stability and relates to the four elements/directions.
In the grid showing the carnelian flame in the background, you have flat-bottom crystal points. I’ve never seen a cut like that. Does it have a particular name? Thank you for all your information on grids. I have ALL of your books and I look forward to your new one.
Thanks Dee, I dont know if they have an official name, I just spotted them while looking for small standing points/towers. They are multi-faceted like a vogel. I do occasionally see crystals like this on Etsy.
Most people seem to be calling these flat-bottomed crystal points “towers”. They’re often originally part of giant clusters or sheets of significantly-sized crystals (especially true when discussing Amethyst), which are detached, polished to one degree or another, and their bottom ends cut flat.
Of course, sometimes you can find crystals which naturally stand upright by themselves once extracted, and that might be best of all, particularly if you like the raw energy of that particular crystal. I have a lovely self-standing 5″ Goddess Clear Quartz with several rainbows, which is entirely “as it came out of the ground”; it would make a perfect centrepiece for a reasonably large grid. I also have a 6½”, (approx) polished Clear Quartz tower which is full of liquid silver fractures and rainbows; it’s been completely polished, but in sympathy with its original shape, and again, it would be amazing in a large grid, as well as being a real conversation-starter all by itself.
can I use raw crystals. not cut or tumbled
Yes, of course