2019 reading! What does the year have in store for you? Gain spiritual guidance from my oracle card reading. Pick a card and discover a personal message for you plus a crystal that will help you throughout the year.
The 2019 Reading
Below you will see the full oracle card reading for 2019. For this reading, I have used the Crystal Keepers Oracle and The Keepers Of Light Oracle Cards. Both these amazing decks have always given me accurate and helpful guidance (click the links to find out more if you’re interested).

2019 Reading with the Crystal Keepers Oracle
The Five Element Reading
For the 2019 reading, the spread I’m using relates to the five elements, as I will explain. Below you will read my interpretations of the four element cards and then after this, you can pick a card from the three unturned cards in the centre which represent your message from spirit.
Fire: Your Actions
Tiger’s Eye teaches you to believe in yourself. This fire and earth element stone wants you to stand tall and stay true to yourself. Even if you do not feel confident about things, act as if you are confident and the rest will follow.
Air: Your Mindset
Nuummite is an ancient stone. Its message is to go deep within yourself for guidance on things that come up through the year to help you make better choices. It may be helpful to detach from situations and others opinions and see what you really think about things when making any important decisions.
Water: Your Emotions
Black Onyx advises you to be mindful of your personal and emotional boundaries. Make sure you are not allowing others to leave their emotions in your aura or sacred space. Cut any etheric cords and make sure you cleanse your aura and home regularly this year. You could Grid your home with Black Tourmaline for protection if you have not done so already.
Earth: Your Physical World
Tugtupite teaches you that some decluttering may be needed at the start of the year to let last year go. Clear out, give to charity and recycle anything that you no longer need or want. This will lighten your energy going forward and allow room for the new to enter your life this year!
Spirit: Your Personal Spiritual Message
For the last card, make sure you chose one out of the three cards from the middle of the spread (see photo above). Below is the card reveal photo. Please read the message for your chosen card number:
Card 1
The Ascended Master St. Germain brings forward the message that there is the potential to resolve and release old karma this year. To do this you must move beyond drama, gossip and look for resolutions with difficult people. If something hasn’t worked before then try something else. It’s time to take a new path.
Your Crystal:
Amethyst will help you dissolve any resentment, anger or old patterns within your aura by the power of the Violet Flame.
Card 2
Horus brings through the message and reminder that your words and thoughts are powerful. Be mindful of what you may be attracting by what you say and think this year. You can use your words and mind to magnetically attract what you want in your life if it is for your highest good. Be consistently optimistic and expect blessings.
Your Crystal:
Clear Quartz can assist you in focusing on what you want and manifesting your desires. Why not program a Crystal Point with your number 1 intention?
Card 3
Isis brings forward the message that your ability to manifest is growing stronger. Things can really happen this year as long as you stay grounded. Use symbolic objects, crystals, grids or ritual to add power to manifesting your goals. They will help anchor your desires into the physical world.
Your Crystal:
Lodestone is the naturally magnetic variety of Magnetite. With focused intent, it can help draw to you what you wish to manifest.
I hope the 2019 reading is helpful to you. What did you think about your personal crystal message? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (please keep any questions you have concise, on topic and no more than two if you want a response).
With gratitude,
P.S. If you know anyone who may be interested in this article please share it with one of the sharing buttons at the end or side of this post.
Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini
Greetings Ethan! Thank you for this timely and informative post. My card was 3 before I even looked at the picture reveal it was very helpful and I plan to utilize my stone at every possible occasion. This came at a time when I truly needed it. I will be smudging very shortly and often as my need for this has recently been brought to mind. Hope you have wonderful and blessed 2019 Chrissy 🙂
Many thanks and great wishes for the New Year Ethan!
Thanks Ethan! My choice was Isis and that is just right card for me 🙂 I like to manifest and that card give me hope.
I really enjoyed this read and grid! Great job and thank you for sharing your talent with us
Hi Ethan. Thank you for this reading. I chose Horace. Very apropos. I’ve tentatively started a blog to help people with cancer. I myself have been struggling with cancer, Mets and all the treatments that go with it for the past 10 years. I have a lot to say but often feel like no one really cares about all that. I’ve been receiving messages from the universe that I should do this and your reading is yet another push in the right direction. It’s time to reprogram a clear Quartz and hit this project hard.
Have a wonderful Holiday!
Thanks Ethan, my card was number 3, right for me.
A wonderful & Blessed 2019
Thank you so much
Hi Ethan,
Thank you for this card spread. The card I picked up (3) sounds very acurate to me as it’s already happening and deep inside I know I have a serious problem with grounding (quite an understatement actually because I fell on a stony ground in the wood and broke my hip :lol:). Never heard of lodestone before, where can I find it? And is there another stone til then that could do the job. I have a lot of grounding stone, I wear black tournmaline (my Ascendant stone), hematite, labradorite and red jasper as bracelets. I have also collected a variety of other grounding stones (black, brown or red) over the year, there might be one of those in your suggestions if you have any. Thanks so much.
Yes, you can use other grounding stones like Hematite. Lodestone is fairly easy to find online, Etsy has lots of them available
Thank You Ethan
This reading was completely accurate for me in everything you said I picked Horus
Thank You so much, Ethan! Wish you a happy and successful 2019. My card choice was really right in…. incredible!
Thank you Ethan. This reading speaks to me loud and clear. Horus and the quartz point are preparing me for the best of things to come. What lovely messages to begin a new phase with!
Dear Ethan,
You free reading cheered me today especially the most. You are a brilliance is magical and has a aura that guides..thanks. and thanks..
Great reading! And my choice of 1-3 was on point! Loved it!
Hello Ethan,
my choice was Horus and it was on point. Also the crystal clear quartz was correct. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge about the crystals with us.
Thank you Ethan. I have two of your books and am grateful to have them. Thank you so much for all you do to help us… <3
Ethan. Thank you so much. I picked card 2 and it is really funny that I have just started using quartz more than I did this week have a great new year
Thank you . I picked card 2 and it’s funny I have just begun using quartz more this past week. And the card on the top of number 2 with the tiger is the same as I have seen in my dreamHave a great 2019
It didn’t work for me…I chose my card and nothing…..
Thank you Ethan, so timely! I have given in my notice at work, taken a leap of faith, to concentrate on my life’s purpose and business, so card No3 is just what I needed. I have recently been inclined to bring so rituals and grids into my life and I will now add some other suggested elements. Loadstone has been appealing to me for the last couple of weeks and I have a beautiful handmade pendulum which I’m going to get out and use more and maybe even carry around with me.
Have a blessed Christmas and 2019
I was draw to the ISIS card (3) from the very beginning. Perfect for me as I have been focusing on manifesting my best life using daily intentions and affirmations. Thank you Ethan!
Tugtupite is too expensive.
I picked card number #2 Horus. Perfect for me. I have a tendency to fear the worst. I have to stop thinking negatively so that I can attract better things. Thank you Ethan!!!!!