Ethan Lazzerini

Writing Update – How It All Began

Writing Update – How It All Began

Writing Update – How It All Began

Hi all, I wanted to do a writing update, to share how this all started and more about my personal journey with crystals. Those of you who have known me over the years and before I even set up this website will know I have been writing about crystals for over a decade. You may even be wondering why it took me so long to release my first book Crystal Healing For The Chakras. Hopefully this will explain everything…

How it all Began

Years ago I started to get very strong messages from holding and meditating with different crystals. You could call these spiritual ‘downloads’. The crystals would tell me or show me what they could help with, their properties and what type of energies they carried. I began recording this in a notebook, as there was so much information that there was no way I could remember it all.
This notebook got bigger and bigger. Much of the information I did not know how to even use. It was this that made me think that perhaps it was not just for me. I began transferring my notes on the crystals into a Word document and making this into a book.
I was guided to new crystals, one after the other, writing about what I got and felt from them. I wrote in my spare time, after work and sometimes late into the night.


My journals and notebooks

Just a few of my journals and notebooks with my first book


The Crystals Continued To Teach Me

Over the years I began to use this knowledge for myself on a daily basis and helped friends and family members with crystals. I realised that the crystals had even more to show me and wanted me to work with them in a practical way. This expanded my understanding and let me see and experience how they worked. More properties and uses were revealed to me.
When I checked respected sources about the properties and meaning of crystals, what I received seemed to match what others were saying. This is why I believe in the power of crystals.


Jade Buddha and Crystal Points

Crystals are ancient teachers


My Book Was Too Big To Print?

This continued for many years, yet never felt complete or finished. Little did I know that my book was now so big, nobody would print it… I learned not long ago that no publisher would print a non fiction book of this length, certainly not by a new author like me. I had enough text for two books at least.
This new information was mind blowing. I suddenly didn’t feel so bad for spending years writing ‘a book’. But splitting my current mass of information into two cohesive books is also a mammoth task. Now I had to work out how to do this and still had to edit and organise everything like an encyclopedia.


Where Are These Books Now?

I have been working on this but as I realised this was not an easy process, I decided I could no longer keep this information to myself for much longer. That is how this website and blog came about. I was keen to start sharing this knowledge and my own ways of working with crystals with others. Blogging was the fastest and easiest way to do that.
As my original books are more like an encyclopedia of crystals, they will need to be fully illustrated with full colour photos. I have since learned that self publishing is not the best way to do this as it will be very costly to produce, leading to a very expensive book.
This is why I want to get these books traditionally published, which would reduce the price and hopefully allow them to reach a much larger audience.


Writing Update: The joy of editing...

Writing Update: The joy of editing…

My Other Books

I am also aware that blogging has its limitations too. People read my blog articles for quick and bite sized information. I have always enjoyed reading short how-to books and guides. So I decided to give myself a bit of a break and focus on getting something out there in print.
These are shorter books focused on more specific areas of Crystal Healing. Self Publishing allows me to get my books out faster. Even if I found a publisher for my books, I would be looking at up to two years before they would be released!
I just can’t risk this, so I chose to release my first  books by self publishing them. The big books I started are shelved for now and this gives me the chance to see if people like my writing. I do not do this full time and have to write for my blog and newsletter too in my own time.
All my articles and books draw on my original notes, writing and experiences with crystals.
Writing Update: Research for Crystal Grids Power

Writing Update: Research for Crystal Grids Power


Writing Update & What’s Next

As many of you know, I have been really busy researching and writing my next book. I am very close to releasing it. Crystal Grids Power is all about Crystal Grids and how to use them. I want to demystify Crystal Grids and Sacred Geometry for people.
All my grids have been carefully designed with a full explanation of why I choose each crystal and the meaning of the Sacred Geometry shapes and symbols. I am really proud of this book and have put so much work into it. The book will come with a free downloadable printable Crystal Grid Templates file for all readers!
Hopefully you enjoyed this long overdue writing update. If you are subscribed to my Newsletter you will get the latest news and updates on future book releases.
With gratitude,
Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini


Crystal Grids Power Book


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