Ethan Lazzerini

5 Crystals To STOP Overthinking & Calm Your Mind

5 Crystals To STOP Overthinking & Calm Your Mind

5 Crystals To STOP Overthinking & Calm Your Mind

Try these crystals to help stop overthinking. Calm your mind and release mental looping thoughts or ruminating thoughts with these crystals combined with mindful wellness tips.

The Problem With Overthinking Everything

Overthinking is something many people struggle with. The problem is that overthinking things can be a big distraction from taking action or an exhausting use of your mental energy.

As someone involved in teaching things online and in my books, I see how overthinking can really block people from doing things or trusting the process. Overthinking makes things ‘seem’ more complex than they are or need to be.

Clear and purple Fluorite crystal buddha. Crystals, pinecones and LOTR mug
Crystals to stop overthinking
Rose Quartz Happy Buddha with crystals
Crystals make many people feel calm
Rainbow obsidian heart
Rainbow Obsidian Heart
Blue Kyanite tower
Blue Kyanite tower
Rainbow Fluorite tumbled stone
Rainbow Fluorite tumbled stone
Lithium Quartz crystal point
Lithium Quartz crystal point
Blue Apatite tumbled stone
Blue Apatite tumbled stone

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With gratitude,


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Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – The text and photos should not be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini. You can share links to it but don’t copy it! Thank you.

Psychic protection crystals book 1

6 thoughts on “5 Crystals To STOP Overthinking & Calm Your Mind

  1. Cherry

    Definitely the Fluorite, and I’d also agree with the Lithium Quartz. I not long obtained a Green Fluorite pendant with White Opal accent stone; it’s a lovely combination, really helpful for restful sleep as well as mental clarity. As far as Lithium Quartz is concerned, I set the first one I bought, a tiny mauve crystal, as a pendant; the second is a lovely lilac double terminated one, about 2.5″ long, and the third is a little brownish Elestial. All of them are very handy when it comes to circular thinking patterns and staying mellow! Of the others, Blue Apatite is amazing stuff; I have a really lovely seer stone made of this crystal which is more teal than blue, plus a rich azure tumblestone and two Paraibe Apatite pendants (Apatite is part of the Tourmaline family, which might be part of why I’m fond of it); and I’m hopefully going to be looking into getting other colours next year. Rose Quartz, I have quite a bit of; Kyanite isn’t one of my crystal besties but I do rather like it; and I would love to have a Rainbow Obsidian — something else that’s very much on my wish list, along with Gold Sheen and a larger piece of Silver Sheen.

    This year, I’ve found myself very drawn to crystals with lights shining in them. Labradorite/Galaxyite/Spectrolite is an obvious choice, and I’ve had it for some time now (I also found my sphere, which seems to sit on the border between Labradorite and Galaxyite and had been missing for 5 years), but also I’ve now got several lovely Opals, both gem and non-gem, Moonstone, Blue/Rainbow Moonstone, Seraphinite, and Lapis Lazuli (okay, those aren’t actually lights, but they look like it). I’m also hunting for my Larvikite(s). Oh – and asterism crystals. I now have a second Black Star Diopside, Red Star Garnet, and Blue Star Sapphire.

    Something is definitely happening here. I’m just not sure what it is.

  2. ERENA


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