Ethan Lazzerini

How To Pick a Crystal For The Year or Month (and why you should)

How To Pick a Crystal For The Year or Month (and why you should)

How To Pick a Crystal For The Year or Month (and why you should)

Why choose a crystal for the year ahead or the month? Learn why I do this and what the benefits are. Plus, different ways to pick your perfect crystal ally and support stone for the new year or every month…

Working With Yearly & Monthly Crystals

Discover Your crystal for the year. Crystal angel with different crystals on a wooden altar
Discover Your Crystal For The Year
Crystal grid with the sri yantra
Crystals align us with the natural cycles of the planet and universe
Psychic Protection Crystals book by Ethan Lazzerini
oracle cards and crystals
Crystal oracle cards to choose your stone
Annual crystal oracle card spread
Annual crystal oracle card spread

Have you picked a crystal for the year and/or month and what are they? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).

If you’re looking for help with something else then please check to see if I’ve already covered it in a blog post by searching my website:

Get Your FREE EBOOK and discover your Guardian Stone HERE!

With gratitude,


P.S. If you feel I have helped you and you want to support me you could share this post, check out my books or leave an honest book review. Thank you!

Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – The text and photos should not be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini. You can share links to it but don’t copy it! Thank you.

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3 thoughts on “How To Pick a Crystal For The Year or Month (and why you should)

  1. Cherry

    Merry Christmas Ethan, and happy Winter Solstice!

    As you know I have ‘core’ crystals which are always close to me, but every so often a different crystal will come forward and ask to spend some specific time with me. Just recently it’s been a couple of gorgeous Amethysts, a Haematoid Lemurian, a Shaman Dow (7-3-7-3-7-3 transceiver crystal with a Kaolinite phantom, apparently really rare but I picked this one up for a song, albeit 30 years ago), a Phantom Quartz seer stone, a Haematoid Golden Healer seer stone, a double terminated Titanium Aura Quartz, my first Heliodor, a Rutilated Quartz pendant, a Green Fluorite and White Gem Opal pendant, and a lovely Lapis Lazuli dolphin. Plus of course my Himalayan Amethyst (slightly smoky and double terminated with one end being Elestial) and my Mango Quartz with the termination bisected by another crystal.

    Love and Light.

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