Ethan Lazzerini

The Best Crystals for Yoga Practice

The Best Crystals for Yoga Practice

The Best Crystals for Yoga Practice

Try these top crystals for Yoga practice. Learn how to use crystals to enhance your Yoga experience, cleanse your chakras and raise kundalini energy!
I have used the metaphysical properties of crystals in my Yoga practice for years so I thought I would share this with you. There are many crystals you can use but these are some of the top ones I recommend to support the whole of your Yoga practice.

How To Use Crystals for Yoga Practice

If you practice your Yoga at Home you could place crystals around you in your own sacred space. You want to avoid anything that could easily be knocked over like standing Crystal Points. Those are better placed on a raised surface nearby like an Altar. Use Tumble Stones or large polished stones and place these just outside the Yoga mat.
The other way you can use crystals is to wear them. I normally wear stones I want as bracelets as these do not move about as much or catch. Some people will wear gemstone necklaces and even mala beads but don’t expect these to stay put if you do.
The benefit of crystal jewellery is that the crystals touch your body and stay within your aura the whole time. The energies are easily circulated around your aura and within the Chakras.
The Best Crystal For Yoga Practice

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Bronzite is the colour of Autumn(Fall) leaves. This earthy crystal is deeply grounding and helps still the mind during Yoga practice. Bronzite also helps increase your determination which is helpful if you are learning or doing a rigorous Yoga class!
Bronzite Meaning: Grounding and Determination

Bronzite Tumble Stone


Legendary Green Jade brings peace, calm and serenity to your Yoga practice. Jade is also good for general health and your wellbeing. White, purple or lavender Jade works with the Crown Chakra and spiritual energies.
Green Jade Meaning - Peace, wellbeing and Protection

Green Jade Tumble Stone

Clear Quartz

The master healer. Clear Quartz should not be overlooked as a crystal for enhancing your Yoga practice. It expands your aura, assists with the free flow of energy through the chakras and your body.
Try clear Quartz Crystals for yoga practice

Clear Quartz Tumble Stone


Serpentine is a wild looking green crystal with lots of encapsulated power. You can also use ‘New Jade’ which is a translucent light green form of Serpentine. These crystals help clear your chakras and have a detoxifying effect. Serpentine also raises the Kundalini energy.
Serpentine crystals can cleanse the chakras and awaken kundalini energy

Serpentine Tumble Stone

Smoky Quartz

Wether black, grey or brown, Smoky Quartz is a must have crystal. Smoky Quartz absorbs negative thought patterns and unbalanced energies. Another really good crystal to help you stay grounded.
Smoky Quartz absorbs negative thoughts for Yoga or Meditation

Smoky Quartz Crystal Point


This less well known crystal ranges from apple green to Sea green. It can be used to calm the mind, body and spirit. An excellent balancer of the emotions too.
Variscite Meaning - Calming, Soothing and Balances the Emotions

Variscite Tumble Stone

Shiva Lingam

Shiva Lingam stones are polished into these tall oval shapes in India. They cleanse the Chakras and empower the aura tapping you into ancient knowledge.
Shiva Lingam stones are good for meditation and yoga practice

Shiva Lingam

Do you have any recommended crystals for Yoga practice? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (Please keep any questions you have on topic if you want a response).
If you’re interested in learning more about crystals and Crystal Healing do check out my FREE Crystal Healing Resources page.
With gratitude,
P.S. If you know anyone who may be interested in this article please share it with one of the sharing buttons at the end or side of this post.
Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini

Crystal Healing For The Chakras Book

6 thoughts on “The Best Crystals for Yoga Practice

  1. Olga

    I recently stareted yoga and I know my lower chakes needs a lot of healing. I have my 3 crystal’s should I use them for my class. Thank you so much ✌

  2. Pingback: 7 Crystals for Peace, Calm and Tranquility - Ethan Lazzerini

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