Discover 11 festive crystals for Winter season and the Winter Solstice. Let these seasonal stones support you and connect you with the energy of the season and the current cycles of nature. Banish the Winter blues!
I have now made a YouTube video about these crystals for Winter where you will see examples close up and my altar setup. I recommend you watch this video first and if you still need more detail you can always read the article below afterwards…
For some parts of the planet, especially in the northern hemisphere, winter can be some of the toughest months of the year. Where I live in the UK, it gets bitterly cold, rainy or icy and the days are dark and very short.
Winter Solstice, Holidays & Festivals
The Winter or Midwinter Solstice happens when one of Earth’s poles is tilted farthest away from the Sun. This marks the shortest day of the year in terms of daylight. It occurs in the first month of the Winter season. The Sun makes its lowest journey through the sky during this time.
There are many holidays and festivals around this time of year, depending on where you live. Christmas, Yule, Hanukkah, Dongzhi Festival, Winter Solstice, New Year, Yalda, Candlemas and Imbolc to name but a few. Many of these festivals date back thousands of years and cross countries, cultures and religions.

The Winter Energy Shift
The Winter Solstice could be seen as one of four energetic gateways or portals. It marks a shift into a new cycle on our planet and the end of the old one. Common festive themes at this time are the rebirth of the Sun, evergreens, light and fire.
You may experience a lot of tiredness and you might want to eat more as we instinctively crave sugars and fats to survive the Winter months. In colder and darker parts of the world, many find their mood is low and they can feel depressed due to the lack of sunlight and fresh air.
Generally, this season is all about making it through the darkest months and knowing that the warmer seasons are ahead. We tend to spend more time indoors and with our family. Some give gifts or to charities as we focus on doing things for others.
Planning and Intention Setting
Our focus tends to go inward and we become more self-reflective. You might see this as the end of the year and the beginning of a new year. Many people review the last year and make plans and goals for the next 12 months at this time. I’ve been using InnerGuide planners for years to help me with this. You can learn more about them HERE (affiliate link).
Things To Do Or Focus On In Winter
Review the last 12 months.
What lessons did you learn last year?
Spend time with your family or visit friends.
Give time or money to charity.
Where do you want to be in a year’s time?
Plan your goals and set intentions for the new year.
Don’t neglect self-care.
Take a salt bath or a cleansing herbal bath
Do regular exercise to boost your energy and mood.
Light a fire or burn candles at night.
Do a big space clearing on your house.
Work with Winter themed Oracle or Tarot cards.
Watch inspirational or motivational videos or films.
Leave food out for birds and wildlife

Winter Incense, Oil & Candle Suggestions:
Frankincense & Myrrh
Bay Leaf
Balsam Fir

How To Work With Crystals For Winter
There are many crystals you may find that represent this season or that can support you during this phase of the year. In my list of crystals for Winter, I’ve covered their symbolic meanings plus their helpful properties below.
You can wear or carry these stones on you. You could put them on display in your home to synchronise yourself with the season. Decorate your altar or any sacred space with them. Why not create a crystal grid from these crystals?

11 Crystals For Winter
This orange, red and white coloured crystal resembles the colours of fire, winter fruit and berries. Carnelian is excellent for boosting energy and creativity. Work with this fiery stone to increase your motivation towards making positive changes in your life.

The white and grey patterns on this form of Black Obsidian resemble snowflakes. As well as looking pretty, this stone helps absorb negative energy and thought patterns. Snowflake Obsidian is a more gentle alternative to Black obsidian too.

The violet colours of this popular crystal show its connection to the transmuting power of the violet flame. Amethyst can be used to cleanse away old energy and negativity. It helps get through feelings of depression and if you’re feeling down about things.

Crystals that are caved into a flame shape carry the energy of fire and light. This makes them perfect crystals for Winter. These are not as easy to find but are becoming easier to find online. They help boost energy and transmute lower vibrations. Look for stones carved from crystals in this guide or you can program a Clear Quartz one.

This crystal looks like it came straight out of a frozen mountain cave. Selenite Towers, Lamps and Candle Holders look very wintery. This icy and luminous stone is one of the most powerful cleansers. Selenite helps clear away last years energy so that you only take the lessons learned into the new year. It is also an angelic stone.

This stone is formed from red-brown volcanic glass combined with fragments of black lava rock. Mahogany Obsidian helps you push through challenges and increase your sense of determination to reach your goals.

Lapis is the colour of a clear Winter night sky filled with stars. Keep this dark blue stone around for meditation and self-reflection. Lapis Lazuli is a crystal of deep inner work and spiritual development.

Rose Quartz is a good stone to work with if you are feeling stressed out. It works really well on emotional stress, between partners or family members. It is soothing and calming. Perfect for the hectic run-up to seasonal holidays or family get-togethers.

Candle Quartz looks similar to a candle with dripping wax down the side. This is a form of white or ‘Snow Quartz’ that has small crystals growing all around the mother crystal. Candle Quartz can represent bring light into your home or an altar. They give off peaceful and tranquil energy. This is another good calming crystals for the hectic season.

Dark red like red wine with a flickering fire inside. This is another fire element stone that helps energise you and reduce tiredness. Red Garnets like Almandine Garnet give you the energy to get through the Winter and tougher times. They also increase your motivation.

If Angels are part of your spiritual or religious beliefs you could display carved crystal angels. These carvings represent and carry the energy of angels and similar high vibration light beings.

Thank you so much Ethan I have selenite candle holders out and they do help me with the winter blues it is really cold out so I am in the house a lot more so haven selenite around is helping me more then I thought thank you so much for the crystal list I will be getting more selenite to put around the house and I wrote down the all the crystals from your list thank you for the list
Sounds great, glad you enjoyed this article
So inspiring… Thanks a lot
there are many crystals on this list I need I have a few listed but need more
Thank you for another helpful article, I’m
happy I have a few of these crystals already to support me through the winter.
Hi Ethan , love your work &books ! Crystal grid is the one I haven’ got yet! I have a question “is it OK to do a crystal grid on top of a feng shui type mirror or is it wrong ? Have one for prosperity & luck on it now , for the past 2 weeks , not sure if it’s having the opposite effect !
I would love your opinion on this ! Or should I get rid of the mirror & stick to something else to set the grid on .
Thank you
Love your blogs. I always find great info in them. I also use sunstone and citrine during the darkest days. I will be hunting down some mahogany obsidian.