Ethan Lazzerini

9 Crystals For Autumn, Fall & Autumn Equinox (VIDEO) Halloween Samhain

9 Crystals For Autumn, Fall & Autumn Equinox (VIDEO) Halloween Samhain

9 Crystals For Autumn, Fall & Autumn Equinox (VIDEO) Halloween Samhain

Discover nine magical crystals for Autumn (Fall) or the Autumn Equinox / Fall Equinox. Let these autumnal stones support you and connect you with the energy of this season and the current cycles of nature.

Autumn or Fall is my favourite time of year, it might be because I was born in October. Where I live (in the UK) this season is really beautiful. Many trees turn brown, orange, golden or red and shed their leaves. It starts getting cooler, darker at night and there is the smell of burning wood in the air.

crystals for autumn
Add crystals for autumn to a Halloween / Samhain inspired altar


I have now made a YouTube video about these crystals where you will see examples. I recommend you watch this video first and if you still need more detail you can always read the article below afterwards…

Click to watch the crystals for autumn/fall season video

Autumn Equinox & Festivals

The Autumn Equinox is an astronomical alignment that marks the end of Summer and the beginning of the Autumn/Fall season. It is a time when the day and night are almost equal in length.
There are many holidays and festivals around this time of year depending on where you live. The Harvest Moon, Harvest Festival, Mabon, Rosh Hashanah, Diwali, Samhain, All Soul’s Day, Halloween, The Day Of The Dead, to name but a few. Many of these festivals date back thousands of years.
Halloween / Samhain crystal grid
Halloween / Samhain crystal grid

The Autumn Energy Shift

The Autumn Equinox could be seen as one of four energetic gateways or portals. It marks a shift into a new cycle on our planet and the end of the old one. You may experience tiredness around this time as your body wishes to slow down and sleep more.
Generally, the beginning part of this season is focused on slowing down, the last harvest, resources and gratitude. We think about what we have achieved over Summer and how it will support us over the next few months and into Winter. It can be thought of as a time of self-reflection and transition.
crystals for autumn
Autumn is a magical time of year. Why not invite the energy into your home?
The rest of the season is more about letting go. Reviewing and releasing what does not serve us anymore. Some traditions may remind us to think about the friends and family we have lost over the years or even our ancestors.
Many cultures believe the veil between this life and the spirit world gets thinner now. That’s another reason there is a focus on spirits and the supernatural.

crystals for autumn
crystals for autumn placed inside a vintage brass Oak leaf dish I found

Things To Do Or Focus On In Autumn

Acknowledge your successes & achievements.
What have you manifested since Spring?
Focus on gratitude.
What do you need to let go of?
What is holding you back?
Remember departed loved ones.
Take a walk by trees or through the woods.
Research your family tree or ancestry.
Psychic development.
Clear your garden of twigs, dead plants or leaves.
Do some Etheric Cord Cutting
Have a clear out, give things to charity or sell them.
Do some Karmic Release work
Cleanse yourself or your home with incense.
Nap, get more rest or go to bed earlier
Work with Autumn themed or coloured Oracle or Tarot card decks

Innerguide planner
Use a planner or journal to answer the questions above and form a plan of action.

The Power of Holistic Planners

I highly recommend you use a holistic planner to take action and have the best chance to achieve your goals. I have been using the InnerGuide planner for years now. Others I have tried didn’t work for me. I don’t know where I would be without this one. You can learn more about them HERE! (affiliate link)

Autumn Incense Suggestions:





Dragon’s Blood (Resin)

Dragons Blood incense helps cleanse negativity and remove stubborn blocks. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

How To Work With Crystals For Autumn

There are many crystals you may find that represent this season or that can support you during this phase of the year. I’ve covered their symbolic meanings plus their helpful properties below.
You can wear or carry these stones on you. Why not create crystal grids from these crystals? You could put them on display in your home to synchronise yourself with the season. Decorate your altar or any sacred space with them.

crystals for autumn
Crystals for autumn – create small groups of crystals and seasonal decorations

Crystals for Autumn / Fall


Labradorite is a stone that shifts and changes in the light making it ideal for this fleeting and transitional time of year. Its patterns look a bit like leaves too. This crystal guides us through life transitions and personal transformation. Labradorite is also linked to our psychic senses, especially clairvoyance.

Polished Labradorite Palm Stone


Citrine is a golden-yellow or golden-brown crystal that resembles autumn leaves and the golden sunlight at this time of year. It is a solar stone which is all about abundance and blessings. Citrine is excellent for focusing on gratitude and trusting that we are being provided for by the Universe.

Polished natural Citrine crystal point


Petrified Wood is the remains of ancient trees which have been fossilised and mineralised over millions of years, turning them into a crystal. Trees are a big part of the seasonal change. This is a good stone to use to connect with your ancestors, both recent and ancient. Petrified Wood assists you with researching your family tree and genetic background.

Petrified Wood Slice


Smoky Quartz ranges in colour from brown, smoky-grey or black. This represents our journey inwards and the increasingly longer nights. This crystal helps cleanse negative energy from external sources or from our own creation. Work with Smoky Quartz to become aware of negative patterns of thought and to help you develop a more positive mindset.

Polished Tibetan Smoky Quartz crystal point


It wouldn’t be a guide for crystals for Autumn without Crystal Skulls. If you have one of these sitting in a drawer somewhere now is a good time to put it on display. Crystal skulls are a bold representation of things dying and falling away. The skull is a symbol of personal transformation, our ancestors and the survival of the soul after death.

crystals for autumn and halloween
Three crystal skulls carved from British stones from Sacred Sites


Moonstone comes in a variety of different colours but is most commonly creamy off-white with a pearlescent sheen (you can use any). The Moon starts to become more noticeable at this time of year and it rules our inner world. This crystal helps link us to our intuitive and psychic nature. Moonstone is also traditionally used for new beginnings and navigating new phases in our lives.

Common white Moonstone tumblestone


This is also known as Shamanic Dream Quartz, Lodolite or Lodolite Quartz. The British royal Magician John Dee is rumoured to have had a crystal ball made of this stone. The inclusions vary but are often autumnal earth tones. Shamanic Dream Stone can be used to go on shamanic journeys, astral travel and when doing visual meditations. It is a stone of the inner worlds and spiritual dreams.

crystals for autumn
Raw Shamanic Dream Stone crystal point. Can you see the autumn forest inside?


Black Obsidian is naturally formed from volcanic glass. Historically it was used in scrying and connecting with the spirit world. This jet black stone is ideal for connecting with the unseen world, doing shadow work or psychic protection. Black Obsidian is one of the best stones for releasing connections to people, energy or situations that do not serve you anymore.

Black Obsidian Tumblestone


This metallic crystal seems to represent the golden colours of nature and the sunlight at this time of year. Work with Pyrite to honestly review your finances or business. It taps you into your prosperity mindset by encouraging action and the use of strategy. Look at what’s working for you and increase this. This golden stone is an Allie for success.

Druzy Pyrite Tumblestone


It’s always hard to choose a group of crystals from so many that could have also appeared here. I’m adding a few more options for you based on feedback from readers.
Any red garnet can be helpful for increasing your energy levels if you are feeling too tired to cope with work or family life.
Bronzite looks like falling Autumn leaves or a forest floor. It is excellent for increasing your determination to get through any challenges at this time.
The orange and rusty red colour of this stone remind me of pumpkins and leaves. Carnelian gives you an energy boost and increases creativity.
Another stone with beautiful earthy Autumn colours (See the dragon in the incense photo above). Hematoid Quartz is good for boosting motivation and increasing sluggish energy.

Here’s a short video tour of my Halloween/Samhain crystal grid and altar set-up. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel:

Do you know of any other crystals you feel represent the energy of Autumn / Fall? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).
With gratitude,

P.S. If you know anyone who may be interested in this article please share it with one of the sharing buttons at the end or side of this post.
Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini

Crystal Grids Power Book

12 thoughts on “9 Crystals For Autumn, Fall & Autumn Equinox (VIDEO) Halloween Samhain

  1. Lesa Vaughan

    Thank you, Autumn is a strange time. With the shortening days and the falling leaves, the cooler weather. This year everything feels in turmoil.
    Your post is reassuring and positive, we can change things for the better, and spring is around the corner. I am going to smudge my home and crystals.
    I will embrace Autumn and the changes it brings.

  2. Lisa

    I like carnelian. It’s a great colour for autumn and I and feel a sense of positivity with it. Good for cheering those who feel a bit down as the darker, colder days set it.

  3. Dot Schmitt

    Great blog, as always.. Of late I have been drawn to labradorite and smoky quartz and have had one or the other or both in my pockets. Interesting to see them on this list- there certainly is an intuitiveness with crystals.

  4. Michelle

    I love this article. Until very recently, I never understood why I always wanted to clean my closets in the fall rather than spring. I’m going to make a grid with some of these stones to clean out my emotional closets as well ;). As one person pointed out, there is a lot of turmoil this year. I think it’s because we are closing out a decade as well as a year. Any thoughts on this? I would love to read an article from you about this very significant time (it reminds me of 1999).

  5. Sonja Daniels

    Have you ever heard of an “autumn obsidian”? I placed an order with an online crystal shop and received one of these as a freebie. My thought is that it’s really just man-made colored glass.

  6. Sue

    Ethan, this article was by far and away the best I have read from you. You are always so clear with your messages and I enjoy every one, but this one struck home. I love the idea of crystals that work extra hard for us based on the season. This makes so much sense to me. As the sunlight shifts so do the reflections from my crystals placed in my home, the energy IS different and things beckon to be rearranged to put that new seasonal energy into super mode. Just like moving my plants in and out of the house or around the rooms for the seasons…same holds true with our beloved rocks! Thank you Friend!!

  7. KK

    Thanks for another great article! Although I think Fall is a beautiful time of year, I begin to loose energy as the days grow shorter and darker and the weather gets colder. I’m a person who thrives in natural sunlight. When I start to feel lethargic I pull out my Fire Agate, which comes from places with warmer climates. I use it to metaphorically “light a fire” under myself, to melt away that sluggish feeling and ignite the strength and motivation needed to meet the demands of my daily life. As an added bonus, its appearance compliments colors associated with Fall clothing and decor!

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