Ethan Lazzerini


7 Crystals For Protection From Psychic Attack

7 Crystals For Protection From Psychic Attack

Which crystals give protection from psychic attack? Learn how to shield and protect yourself from psychic attacks with these protective and highly effective crystals. What Is A Psychic Attack? A psychic attack is when someone intentionally or unintentionally directs a large amount of harmful energy at someone else. This usually…

What Is Psychic Protection (and Do You Need It?)

What Is Psychic Protection (and Do You Need It?)

What is psychic protection and why do we need it? Learn about your aura, shielding techniques and creating strong and healthy energetic boundaries. The Effects of Negative Energy We are made of energy and we all have an energy field, often called the aura. Everything around us is also made…

Psychic Vampire Protection Crystals, Avoid Energy Vampires

Psychic Vampire Protection Crystals, Avoid Energy Vampires

Protect yourself from Psychic Vampires aka Energy Vampires with these powerful amulets. Here are my top 5 Psychic Vampire protection crystals.   What Exactly is a Psychic Vampire? Psychic Vampires are also known as Psy Vamps, Energy Vampires and Emotional Vampires. They are mostly people who feed off the energy…