Ethan Lazzerini

My FIRST Crystals (How I Began My Crystal Journey)

My FIRST Crystals (How I Began My Crystal Journey)

My FIRST Crystals (How I Began My Crystal Journey)

What were my first crystals? I’m sharing how I got into crystal healing and the unusual crystals I began my journey with. Plus, the crystals I recommend today if you’re starting…

Crystal Shopping In The 90s Was Fun

When I first got into the metaphysical properties of crystals there was no internet. The world was a different place in the early 90’s. People only bought their crystals from bricks and mortar shops and there weren’t many places that sold crystals.

Ethan holding a bowl of crystals over an altar with crystals and a crystal grid
My first crystals revealed
aroma rocks: Amethyst and comforting essential oils
Could this be the same Aroma Rocks?
Tumbled stones organised in wooden box compartments by chakra association
Tumbled stones organised by chakra associations
Amazonite tumbled stone
My original Amazonite tumbled stone from the 90s (More green in real life)
Leopard Skin Jasper Tumbled stone
My original Leopard Skin Jasper Tumbled stone from the 90s

Can you remember your first crystal or the first crystals you had? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).

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With gratitude,


P.S. If you feel I have helped you and you want to support me you could share this post, check out my books, leave a book review, or you can Buy Me A Coffee. Thank you!

Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – The text and photos should not be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini. You can share links to it but don’t copy it! Thank you.

Crystal Healing For The Chakras Book

7 thoughts on “My FIRST Crystals (How I Began My Crystal Journey)

  1. Annie Bartle

    Memories! Boodle-am near Leeds Uni, another Aroma Rocks but in the 60’s, velvet bell-bottomed trousers, Afghan coats (smelly), incense etc. My first crystals I bought were Amethyst, Howlite & Clear Quartz for insomnia. My favourites now are turquoise, larimar, blue lace agate, moss agate, ocean jasper, carnelian, labradorite, I could go on, my collection is now fairly extensive it is very compulsive.

  2. Laura Elizabeth

    I remember those crystals! My mom wouldn’t let me buy them because of the essential oils. (She now has a diffuser running 24/7, but that’s another story.)

    My first crystals were all amethyst. It happened to be both my birthstone and my favorite color; my birthday parties in grade school were all held at the local mine. (Mining for amethyst in February in PA – I had some very good friends.)

    I also had an enormous collection of arrowheads retrieved from the field in front of our home when the farmer plowed it every spring before planting his crops (I think many were clear quartz and smokey quartz based on memory of colors and how sharp they still were in the late 80s; together with a big box of tiny fossils in limestone from camping trips.

    Regrettably, all of my “rocks” had to go when we made a cross country move in 96. They weighed too much, and so did most of my books.

    I got back my largest amethyst find a few years ago when my grandma passed. I had no idea she had been using it as a door stop for the past 30 years!

    Amethyst is still my #1 crystal. She captured my heart so early in life, I have to believe it was a continuation from past lives working with them.

    Great story! I would love to hear more about your personal journey going forward, as you feel comfortable sharing of course.

  3. Cherry

    My very first crystals were actually found instead of bought, when I was only five or six years old. I kept finding little bits of Amethyst in gravel! My first purchased crystal was a raw Rose Quartz about the present-day size of my fist (so no more than 4″). I still have it, but many of the ones I subsequently bought (Clear Quartz wasn’t far behind) have left home. They do say, if a crystal leaves you, it’s making space in your life for something better… but that doesn’t stop me from missing them.

    These days I have a wide variety of crystals, everything from the abundant (Quartz) to the really quite rare (Alexandrite) to the “Oh my days that’s rare” (Rainbow Tourmaline). I’ve been blessed to have such great sources over the years. Unfortunately my nearest crystal shop (which I did mention in “Where to buy crystals) is closing in about a month for lack of trade. I can’t afford to keep it running by myself, much as I’d love to, and owing to… multifaceted… circumstances I’m almost the only in-person customer the place now has.

    Happily the business is already partly online, and will be going completely online when the physical shop closes.

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