Ethan Lazzerini

What To Do With The Intention Note In Your Crystal Grid?

What To Do With The Intention Note In Your Crystal Grid?

What To Do With The Intention Note In Your Crystal Grid?

What should you do with the intention note in your crystal grid once you have finished with it? Should you keep it or dispose of it and if so how should you do it? Here’s what you should know…

The Purpose Of Intention Notes In Crystal Grids

An intention note is a small piece of paper with a written statement of your intention, used as part of your crystal grid. This could also be an affirmation. This note is usually folded and placed under the centre stone of your crystal grid. It helps anchor your intention for the grid.

Intention Note and crystal grid
Intention Notes
folded Intention note under a clear quartz crystal point
An intention note is placed under the centre stone

What do you normaly do with your intention notes? I would love to hear from you in the comments below (PLEASE keep any questions you have concise and stick to this blog post topic if you want a response).

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With gratitude,


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Copyright © Ethan Lazzerini – The text and photos should not be used or appear elsewhere without permission from the author Ethan Lazzerini. You can share links to it but don’t copy it! Thank you.

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3 thoughts on “What To Do With The Intention Note In Your Crystal Grid?

  1. nancy

    At the new moon I write 2 lists. The first is my “let go” of list which I recite out loud and I thank the universe for taking back my release. I then burn it in a safe bowl and when the ashes are cold, drop the ashes in my garden. I then recite out loud my new intention list, and thank the universe for listening. I keep that list under a clear crystal point. Should I update or renew it will be next new moon.

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